+5 votes
in Foodie En Pointe by (12.9k points)
so today was my first day of seventh grade. but to tell this story, i have to start at very very very VERY beggining.  i have this one friend, whose pet died over the summer. we'll call her Ginger. so Ginger's pet died after it ran away, so I bought her a really expensive cake jar from my mom's bakery. but the day I came to her house, Ginger and two of my other friends, (we'll call them Baby and Scary), were hanging out. the entire summer, i had been at dance camp, and i had just gotten back. i told all of my friends that i was gonna be free for the rest of the summer. but i had gotten a grand total of 0 texts, emails or messages. i thought maybe she hadn't seen my text and just forgot to text me, and thought nothing else of it. but today, when I saw Ginger at school, she completely ignored me. i was talking with another "friend" (we'll call her Sporty; see the pattern?) and she said hi to Sporty and started the usual how was your summer convo, and acted like i wasn't even there. i was pretty hurt, but i think maybe i am too weird or something to be her friend, cause her friends are super super super popular. but then Sporty, during all of my classes, when we could choose seats and choose, lunch tables, chose to sit with her popular, pretty, WHITE friends. plus, during lunch, Scary was talking about Ginger's b-day party, which I knew nothing about. i hadn;t been invited at all. and to top off this amazing day, at dance, only one of my friends was there. sadnesssssssssssssss....

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (260k points)
Best answer

GIRL YOU USED THE "SPICE GIRL" NAMES!! "BABY SPICE," "GINGER SPICE," "SCARY SPICE..." XDXD I SEE YOU, I SEE YOU!! download Sporty Spice was my favourite victory

I'm so sorry, and I've had my fair share of awful first days :((( They suck. Big time. 

Well, Ik this sounds dumb, but try and insert yourself more!! :) You can't always expect your friends to take intiative and hang out with you Ig, which is sad (believe me I relate 100%), but true. Really put yourself out there, but also don't be afraid to try and make new friends!! You are gonna have a great year, I promise!! a-=D

Why didn't you sit by Scary, Baby, and Ginger at lunch?? Also, being white is NEVER a bad thing... Ever. Remember, it's what's inside that counts!! :) And just because they are popular doesn't mean they're bad. Try and talk to some of them!! :) Perhaps you'll make a new friend. 

Ugh, dances are awkward -_- I get that.

Look, Ik you had a rocky first day of school, but technically, once you hit rock-bottom, you can only go up from here!! Listen, things are gonna be so so so freaking amazing, I promise!! :D Keep me in the loop on how things are doing, yeah??

Best of luck!! And have fun at school tomorrow!! :D

by (12.9k points)
okay, thx for the advice!!!!!!!!! u r awesome CC. luv the spice girls, especially Spice Up Your Life. I personally like Posh, but sporty is super cool too! i sit with them at lunch now, and it has gotten better. u were right!!!!!! (as usual, CC).

luv ya!
by (260k points)

Haha!! I think that was my favourite one by them!!
+3 votes
I am so sorry I have been through that as well it is horable no one should have to go through
+1 vote
by (539k points)
School hasn't started yet for me.
+2 votes
by (147k points)
I dont get a first day of school


I have school over the summer



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