+3 votes
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 Does anyone know of any things that I can do to earn money like a job (I'm 12)

by (1.6k points)
Yeah I want to know too. :)

So I don't know where you live, but I can tell you how I have progressed if it helps in any way.

First off, let it be known I am not as young as you, I turn 16 next month, and I started serious work when I was about 15, a month and a half before my birthday or so, but the advice is still relevant.

So I live in a more rural area, which means there's a lot of ranches and such out here. Well, my first job was working for a man, all day, and he paid me 40 dollars a day. I started when I was, oh actually around this time one year ago. I kept up with that job for a while until he didn't need me anymore. But during that time I proved myself to be a hard worker, and I got many, many more job offers. I currently hold five jobs. I feed one neighbor's animals for ten bucks a day when they are out of town, I also push brush for them for ten bucks an hour. I also teach guitar for twenty bucks an hour every Friday. I work for said person above^^ whenever he needs it for the 40 bucks a day, and my most recently acquired job is working for a man who pays me fifteen bucks an hour. I also have two other job offers I haven't taken up yet,

I usually make around 600 something dollars a month during school, and I make it into the thousands around summer. See, the key thing here is you have to be a hard worker. You can't complain about how much money you are making, you have to accept it and keep going. Some money is better than nothing after all. After you prove yourself to be a hard worker, word spreads around and more people will want you to work for them. It's simple. be very polite, take care of the other persons possessions as if they were your very own, and work more then what is expected of you.

Don't get discouraged either. Some bosses are really good and will complement you, some will be indifferent, and while this is rare, its real, some will just cuss you out lol. Once it gets into physical abuse is when you quit that job, Don't tolerate that. However, deal with the verbal abuse, if that happens, in a cordial manner. If they are underpaying you, overworking you, and verbally abusing you, quit it. If it is decent money though, put up with it. If the person hired you, don't let them down.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. Take my advice or leave it, it's there for you to read.

Your old friend,
(Not active, just checking in on this ol' site.)

YOUTUBER!!!!!!! Just ask ur parents or if they allow u to make independent choices, log in and start earning and making vids!!!!!!!!!omgomg

4 Answers

0 votes
sryyy idk either lolls
0 votes
by (165k points)
Well it kind of depends on where you life on how young you can get a job. But you can ask your parents if you can do extra chores for money. I babysit for a small group!
0 votes
by (155k points)
Babysitting,LemonadeStand, Lawn Mowing.
0 votes
I'm ten. I mow my lawn and my two neighbors lawn.I get 20 for each.If your parents will give you money for doing chores around the house do that also then you will make a lot of money.whqt do you need the money for?

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