+6 votes
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Today at school I told my teacher about something my dad did to hurt me. I can already tell what’ll happen and I don’t want to go home. I feel scared that they won’t believe me I just want to get out of it all. I’m scared and I don’t want my dad to go to jail because that’ll be a problem for my whole family. Do you think my family will resent me for telling the teachers. I’m just really scared and I want to escape it all just run away. I kind of already regret telling the teachers because what if my family breaks apart all because of me? I hate this so much, my dad is amazing. He is wonderful. He is great. I love my dad so much but maybe this might be my fault. I was making such a big fuss about my hair, who wouldn’t get mad. I’m always so fussy and do so many bad things.
What did ur dad do?
I don’t know what to do but just know that Jesus Christ is there with you all the time to help
That’s nice  of you I have church today I go to Promiseland ministries

4 Answers

0 votes
by (3.3k points)
I am so sorry but I am sure you did the right thing. I won't pry for more info and you don't have to tell people who do just letting you know some people are asking.
0 votes
by (1.5k points)
If what your dad did was that bad, to the point where you need to tell your teachers. Then maybe you did the right thing. you are not alone, I have been there too. It will work out eventually.
+1 vote
I have had a related problem and someone in my family had went to jail and it went to where my grandpa and my grandma had to adopt me it makes me scared for when haveto pass away because they’re really oldJust talk to your family about it because at our school we’re allowed to talk to the teachers about it  just say I’m sorry if this is all my fault Sorry if it doesn’t help I’m kind of new here so bye
+2 votes
by (543k points)
Your family may never know if you don't tell them. At worst he will probably just need to do community service.


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