+6 votes
in Fun Stuff by

 Thalia: Yes, you heard right. I know you've been hiding that pickle. *steals pickle from behind your back*

Thalia: Anyway I'm casting people for a bromance *ignores the fact that most people here are girls.* Action film. I still haven't planned it, but whatever ! * absent-mindely throws script in trash*

Director-MEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ! don't tell James Gunn... 

Thalia: I hired him, but we ALL know who's in charge. Right, Elo ?

Elo: Actuall--- * Thalia puts hand  on her face to shush her*

Thalia: And that's all I have ! I need actors ! I NEED DESIGNERS. I NEEED TECHIE PEOPLE. I NEED SOUND PEOPLE. I NEED WRITErS.I NEED HELP !!!!!!!

Thalia: so if you want any of these jobs or please apply, using this sheet.

Expierance: (the less you have the better)

Job: ( writer, actor, producer etc.)

Favorite actor:

Favorite movie:

Character idea:


Favorite song:( post a video if you can)

Etc.fill out more for whatever job you want.

I don't even have pickles

4 Answers

0 votes
by (957k points)

Experience: In kindergarten, we had a short Solar System play. I was Saturn. In first grade, we had another play, this time of this Mother Goose tale. I was Mother Goose.

Job: Actress!!

Favorite actor/actress: Daniel Radcliffe, the one who played Harry in the Harry Potter movies.

Favorite movie: Minions

Character idea: Maybe a younger sister (3 or 4) who is heavily spoiled and loves princesses. Stereotypes, but I want to see how it goes.

Storyline: Include lots of actions! Twists! Beast mode tornadoes! Or huge earthquakes.

Favorite song: Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley

0 votes
by (147k points)
*sobs* my pickle... *tears*

Experiance: (who cares how its spelled, anyway) Had main role in a Christmas play, works in the sound room at church, experience with animation is... questionable but whatever lol

Job: (wait can I have several jobs plz) Lighting Technical Director and Sound Designer... please? I'll- I'll give you another pickle...

Favorite Actor: I don't know many actors so- Robby Bruce? IK IK HE ISN'T THAT FAMOUS BUT I'M AN AIO FAN, OKAY???

Favorite Movie: Day After Tomorrow all the wayyyy

Character Idea: Welp we gotta have the annoying little sister who asks too many questions- :O and a nerd definitley we have to have a nerd

Storyline: I have writers block :/ thats why I wanted the techy jobz. Um but we have to have dramatic irony. And pickles. And a tornado or 3.

Favorite Song: Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald- or really any Disney song (exept the ones from Frozen)- Captain of the Bus by Bruce Frye ig too

Etc.: is it worth mentioning that I can hear 21 kilohertz?
by (546k points)
A MC nerd? Sorry, sorry I just like MC a bit too much.
Thalia: *eats all da pickles* wait I didn't eat anything.*breath smells like pickles*

Thalia: yes you may have a thousand jobs. For pickles

Thalia: hey elo got any more pickles ?

Thalia: Esie, can you be my servant. I need and an errand dude ! I mean Jamey does I'm totally not an evil dictator bent on making the most awesome movie at the cost friendships. Anywayyyyyyyy...

Go stand by Imnayeon, and Gewg. We'll see if your hired.[ go read my comment on imnayeon.]
by (147k points)

We need a technology/gamer and a president of the math, science, and chess club
Thalia: YES!!!! We need a MCN. Don't why, but we can't make a movie without !



Percy Jackson: whut.
by (546k points)
Yeah my brain goes straight to technology nerd when I hear or see nerc.
by (957k points)
I can be the gamer! Actually, I’ll give that role to Minecraftnerd.

Also, I have a secret stock of pickles under my bed, Thalia. You just have to find it.
by (546k points)
by (957k points)
You’re welcome!
0 votes
by (5.7k points)

can I be a actor

I have no Experience

Favorite actor is Xochitl Gomez ( from the babysitters club and doctor strange movie)

Favorite movie is the babysitters club

Favorite song is 

Thalia: YOUR HIRED !! * whispers* can so bodies favorite actor be Orlando bloom ?

 Thalia:* normal voice* Go stand by Imnayeon  [read my comment on her's

*gives imnayoens cookies to Gewg*

Thalia: Imnayeon, she aced her lines perfectly. * Continues gushing *
0 votes
by (214k points)
Experience: I write and direct my own plays with my friends sometimes, but that's about it

Job: I don't know yet

Favorite actor: I don't think I have one

Favorite movie: I don't watch movies often but my favorite would have to be Lion King

Favorite song: ASAP by Stayc

I'm not sure what job I would want!
Thalia: A'ight we ( Me, 'n Jamesy over here ) wanted to hire you and your favorite actor ? So I guess Which actor would you like to meet ? So far I've hired

Xochitl Gomez- actress

Robby Bruce( Ihave no idea who he is lolllz)- actor

Imnayeon- In charge of getting Twice to let us use their music. And whatever else you want

Esie- Lighting and sound designer,and......will be the girl who nitpicky at everything even through I'M THE DIRECTOR.

GEWG-Actress and girl who is always annoying her colleagues by being perfect.

*steals your favorite cookies*
by (214k points)

*steals my cookies back*
by (147k points)

Proof of Robby Bruce's existance. rip spelling

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