+6 votes
in Artist Directories by

I,m no good at bodies so I,m practicing with just one body part.

Here is the first detailed hand I Tried to make. Please Criticize me constructively

btw, you can download pictures

4 Answers

0 votes
by (26.9k points)
I have some suggestions, maybe make the hand. A little smaller or so, and try to sketch the hands out! But this is someone who draws unfinished anime drawings, so don’t even take it from me. But overall it’s really good!
+1 vote

I got this picture from Pinterest 

Look how they broke down a hand into blocks and cylinders in the third picture

+1 vote

I recommend observing what your hand actually looks like and breaking it into blocks and cylinders. Also check this out teeth_smile https://www.animatorisland.com/tips-for-drawing-hands-101/

+1 vote

I can give you a hand base: And a body base: but that may just be my style.

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