+2 votes
in Other by (950 points)

so there was a previous baddie123 that was my older brother trying to make a joke he knows what a period is and all, he is just really annoying. So here I am real baddie123 and I need help like BAD. so I am having all the symptoms of first period, but I don’t have it. My grandma said I’ll have it soon, like in an hour even, my mom always sticks to the 6 grade theory, so like a year; I am in 5 grade. And doctor said 6 months. Please so confused, if have mom please show her for my sake thank u. My big bro is annoying.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (15.6k points)
Best answer
DON'T worry, a period is a sign that you are healthy, and maturing. There's no way of telling when it will come. I suggest to carry a pad or tampon in a purse and not worry.
by (949k points)
I was gonna say the same thing!
by (15.6k points)
GREAT minds think alike!!!!!
by (28.8k points)
there is no way to know for sure when it is coming but in your lower area the day before you may have cramps that make you feel like you are sick don't worry this is natural you might think you are going to throw up but it will be ok good luck.    :)

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