+7 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (9.9k points)
I have a crush on someone in my class (let’s call him Toby) and he sits in front of me he is always asking me questions like if I can understand his handwriting  and always asking for help my friends say he likes me back but I don’t know he is always shy and nervous around me please help!
Just give him or her a note that says I like you
by (9.9k points)
Thanks but I don’t like him anymore
that’s what I did and uhhhhhhh, let’s say it didn’t go perfectly. (I threw the note)

3 Answers

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0 votes
Here's some advice trust me even though I'm a boy I can deal with crushes really good I saw that you said "please help me!" so I'm gonna help you act normal around him don't sweat btw one time my friend in preschool had a crush on a girl and his friend told the whole school and then my friend was so embarrassed he wet himself but anyways just act like a normal kid around him ok?you should also remember not to tell anyone or else they tell their friend who tells their friend who tells their friend who tells their friend who tells their friend and in not even 1 minute the whole school knows

So just try and act normal
by (9.9k points)
Hey i need some help, you said that you are a boy, so how do i know if a boy likes me.
0 votes
by (953k points)
Asking for help doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you back.

And is he usually shy, or just around you? If it’s just around you, then he probably like you back.
by (9.9k points)
He constantly ask for help and yes he is only shy around me what do I do
by (953k points)
Yeah. He probably likes you.
by (28.8k points)
become his friend first let him get to know you it will get easier from there if he still is a little shy around you talk to his friends or yours to see if he likes you for sure finally if he blushes around you congrats he likes you if not at least you have a new friend.    :)
If a boy is shy around you then he definitely likes you or just period if a boys shy around you then yes.


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