+4 votes
in Venting by
Hey everyone!

This is another depressing vent post, I'm sorry, I promise ill post more jokes and be more happy for y'all after this post :)

Reasons my friend is a good person:

1. He is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and so am I, so we support each other.

2. We have been friends for 2 and a half years and he has supported me through everything.

3. He is always there for me and always has something funny to say.

4. He shares the same interests and hobbies as me, so we can literally sit there for hours discussing the most basic things lol.

5. He's one of my only friends and if I ditched him all my other friends would leave too. they're the only reason I have for living anymore.

Reasons I kinda dislike him/want to ditch him:

1. We were hanging out and when he left he took some of MY stuff with him. Never told me, certainly never asked, and doesn't plan on giving it back. I don't want to bug him about it because I don't want to seem annoying or angry at him, but that stuff was expensive and took a while to make and I really want it back.

2. He ditched me to hang out with our other friends and didn't tell me (see my previous posts called "my friend ditched me" for more info). He also didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing.

3. He tends to ignore other peoples feelings and when I tell him about serious topics, he tends to laugh and treat my emotions like a joke. He rarely does this, but then again I've learned my lesson about venting to him so rarely even try anymore.

Yet when HE vents (which can sometimes go on for hours), I listen and support him. Don't get me wrong, I love when we joke around together, but I just wish he didn't act like that. When he vents, no matter if its through phonecall, text, or irl, I always sit there and listen and try my best to give good advice no matter what he says.


Idk yall. He's my only reason for living anymore. Without him, I'd just...yeah.

He's actually a super great person though! We have been friends since the start of 5th grade and now we're heading into 7th. He is one of the sweetest, most kind, funny, and overall amazing people I have ever known. And yet, there's a little birdie in my head telling me he's not good for me and to stop being his friend. I just cant. I really love him (as a friend ofc) and I hate the thought of having him not in my life.

All the incidents I've mentioned (stealing my stuff, ditching me) happened within the last month or so. The ditching me part was last week, and the stealing was in early June. Now he has very hard home life, and he hurts himself often. I know that if I left him he would hurt himself even more, and I can't do that. He's an amazing person but this past month something has just changed in him. He doesn't want to hang out with me anymore (or at least, judging by his behavior last week he doesnt) and he was stealing my stuff without asking. I love him though and I hate the thought of leaving him.


Advice anyone? (also im so sorry about the recent spike in vent posts. On KT I try to act happy and cheerful and make everything seem alright but I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sorry )

- Dino

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I mean, judging by the fact that all the bad things that happened are big things and very problem-y, I'd say to talk to him. Say you need a break. Don't cut him out of your life entirely (he might get nicer and stop doing those things), but then again, try to avoid him a bit.

(And also don't be sorry!)
0 votes
by (526k points)
I think you should just confront him about all of these things. The way he treats your feelings, the fact that he swipes some stuff from you, and the fact that he ditched you. If you guys can't live without each other, then just tell him what's going on :)

Best of wishes!

0 votes
by (954k points)
Don’t ditch your friend, but do talk to him about what he’s done.

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