+4 votes
in Dino's Blog by
TW: S*icide, abusive family, venting

Hey everyone.

I'm sorry for making another vent post. I'll make this my last vent post for a while. I know that nobody really cares about these, so I'm sorry again. I'm just tired.

Yesterday I had a pretty bad day. I won't go into detail, but it was awful and I fell asleep while crying my eyes out, and I relapsed horribly.

Today, I woke up and went downstairs to get breakfast. My brother immedietely started bothering me. He repeatedly said my deadname in my face just to annoy me, even though he knows how much that bothers me. I snapped and began screaming at him to stop. My dad sided with him.

I got so angry that I told my dad I was going to end my own life. I expected him to say something at least somewhat supportive or sympathetic, but his only response was, "Ok, you go and do that, then. I'll bring you a squeegee when you're done".

(For those who don't know, a squeegee is a type of mop/broom used to clean up liquids, and in this case, blood)

I just don't know what I did to him. Its not like I can confide in my mum, either, because she hates me. I try. I try so hard to be perfect and do everything he wants and I still get all this abuse. He also told me that I'm not a real man and that he will never see me as his son.

Im sorry again for all these posts, its just that I trust you all a lot; more so than my own family, and that says a lot.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (954k points)
Best answer
First of all, don’t take your own life. You’ve got Life Simulator to play, and you have to beat 45,000 to get #1 on the leaderboard. And you’ll be famous in a good way if you get #1.

Even if one person might not care about you, there’s always someone who does. It’s us KidzTalkers who care about you.

And don’t be sorry for the venting. Vent as much as you want, Dino. After all, this isn’t North Korea…
0 votes
by (544k points)
When I'm in that kind of situation I either watch tv or vent on here or write fanfic to calm me down.

So, you just need to find a creative outlet that works to calm you down
+1 vote
by (159k points)
Okay, my responses:

1: punch your brother in da face fabd egbd egac.

2: your dad is a +++++++.

3: call cps.

4: tell literally everyone at school

5: Let it all out until you feel fine. Also, im glad you trust us.
by (526k points)
This is such a wonderful answer xD
by (112k points)
I think his parents would beat him to the bone if he punched his brother no offence

xD, I agree with everything you just said. My dad is indeed a ++++++


My parents probably would beat me, but it would be 100% worth it if in being honest lol.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (526k points)
Why did KS censor it? He didn't say the other word for donkey, he said the kid friendly word for that and then "hole".
0 votes
by (112k points)

Dino, put your head in the game. You are Will. You will never be your deadname. And maybe if this is really something you think is effecting you so much that u have s*icidal and your parents dnt care, get cps involved. This is not ok. You are Will, you are a boy, and you have us. Maybe your brother doesnt accept you. Maybe your parents don't even accept you. The important thing is, you don't let it go on. If it keeps happening or gets worse, CALL CPS. ok? We all want u alive.

You are Will.

0 votes
by (526k points)
Dino, listen to me. Go up to your brother, and your father if he's still in the room, and tell them that you could care less about them. Because that's what they're doing to you. Do the same to your mother, and tell them that if they can't accept you then that's fine. Because you don't care about their opinion of you; you feel like a man, and if they don't respect that, why does it matter? Do other people have to accept your masculinity for it to be true?

No, they don't, this is something you've made up in your mind and you have made the decision to be a man. So stop dealing with their antics. You've had enough.

Well said nobi I completely agree


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