+2 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone :)

Me and Nobi were conversing about this a few days ago, and ever since then I've been wondering what happened to WN?

I genuinely can't remember if ae mentioned anything about being inactive for a while, since there are so many posts made all the time and it's hard to keep up with them all. Ae was really active during June for aer Pride Month Post series, then pretty active in July, but in late July-early August ae became less and less inactive. I can't deny that I miss WN a lot, and I wonder if she's going to be active sometime soon. Obviously, people don't need to be on this site 24-7, but ae hasn't been online in multiple weeks and I am a bit worried, since ae normally is a frequent user on here.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)

5 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
Yeah I have been wondering where she is for a long time!
0 votes
by (946k points)
I just noticed. It felt like a few days and not a few weeks.

Wow. I seriously need to keep track of unregistered users’ activity.
0 votes
by (110k points)

Omg I just realized the absence of WN. I mean, I noticed a little but never really thought much of it. But now that I think abt it, she has been offline for a while ​​​​​​. maybe we should make a missing: WN post!

0 votes
by (519k points)
If I had to be honest, I'm worried about her too. I hope everything is going well in her life, she did mention something about her starting to SH. I just really want her to come back.

But I don't want an impersonator to come on here and play with my feelings, making me believe that it's her and me finding out that it's not :(

I dunno. I just want her to come back, that's all I ask for..

We're the Golden Trio. And besides, KT's not as much fun without her.

by (204k points)
i miss the golden girls :,(
Yeah. I'm genuinely worried about aer. Ae's normally super active on here so aer disappearing out of the blue with no warning isn't like aer. I know people who struggle with SH and I do myself, so its no small thing. I hope ae's okay, since I know aer mental health isn't the best.

I don't want an impersonator either, but that's what I'm afraid of. KT literally feels empty without WN and I genuinely want to cry thinking about the idea that ae might not come back. My mental health is so bad that I am willing to cry over an online friend.

I agree with you. I just want her to be okay. If she doesn't come back, that's alright. All I want to know is if she's doing okay and I can rest easy. Everyone adds their own little spark to this site, like a puzzle, and without WN there's a piece missing.

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (946k points)
And who will fill that piece? No one. For now.
by (204k points)
what if she.. yk.. did something rlly bad?

i would cry.. ae's (is that how you use that pronoun?) is one of my bffs on here, including elo, nobi and you, dino..

I don't think anyone will ever be able to fill in WN's place. I'm going the wait for aer. I have hope that ae's going to come back, because its only been about a month, but nobody can say for certain.


Yup, you're using those pronouns right! WN uses she/her/hers along with a bunch of xenos (like ae/aer/aers and xe/xem/xers). Think of ae like he or she, aer like her or him, and aers like hers or his. That's always what helps me to remember! It takes practice but it gets easier over time, trust me :)

I would cry too, honestly. I really hope ae didn't do anything bad. Poor mental health and a difficult home life can cause people to do really horrible and tragic things, and I speak from experience. I hope ae's okay. WN is also one of my close friends on this site and losing aer would be heartbreaking. I would cry if I lost you, too :l
- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Everyone on KT eventually leaves, and unfortunately that's just a fact of platforms like this. Nobody will leave behind any other way to get in touch, since social media links are not allowed. Obviously I've been here a while, and all my original friends left (aside from JD). Most of them disappeared without saying a word, but the good thing is sometimes people check in a few months later. Sometimes they don't, and that's okay. It just means they've moved on. My advice would be to enjoy the friendship while it lasts and be glad it happened!

HOWEVER, since it's only been about a month, they could very well come back since a lot of people take breaks.


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