+4 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone.

I know I've already made posts about this, but ive been narrowing it down.

So as most of you may know, I am nonbinary and gfluid. Basically meaning my gender fluctuates throughout the nonbinary spectrum. Agender, demiboy, demigirl, nonbinary, etc.

I was unfortunately given a very feminine name, and I want to change it to something nonbinary/more masculine. I have two ideas: Wilbur (or Will for short) and Elias.

I don't want to rush this or make decisions too quickly or do something I may regret, so I am taking it slow. These are the two names I really feel an attachment to. What do you guys think? (Feel free to rate them both out of 10 :)

- Dino (he/they)

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (951k points)
Best answer
I don’t rate names out of 10. Or anything, really. I can give you the meanings though.

Wilbur: Trusted (German)

Elias: Lord is my God (Greek)
0 votes
by (212k points)
i like Wilbur better, i think it suits u well
+2 votes
by (117k points)
I vote Elias 8/10 and Wilbur 2/10 just because it reminds of the pig in charlottes web
+1 vote
by (524k points)

Elias gets my full vote. a-=D


+1 vote
by (64.3k points)
I rate Wilbur 6/10 and Elias 8/10. They both sound really good.


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