+3 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by
I need help! This is killing me now! I would LOVE some advice!

So last year, me and this guy (we'll call him Green Bean) were getting pretty close. But I had a HUGE crush on him. I had many classes with him and we talked there and in the hallway. He would always ask if I would be his partner on assignments and projects. Of course I said yes! So, I told my friends. One friend was convinced that he liked me back. And I sorta agreed! Green Bean really made it seem like it. All my friends thought we would be perfect together! Well...except one. But that is a story for a different time. Anyway...one friend is a LITTLE loud. And feild day at school basically ruined my friendship with Green Bean. She kept trying to make him do tug-of-war with me and other stuff. He kindly said "No thank you." or "Not right now, sorry." I DID NOT want her to do this stuff and begged her to stop, but it must have been too late. He never acted the same way again. (this was at the end of the year btw)

Now, it is the next year. I have 1 class with Green Bean and we never really talk. But the secret is, I am willing on leaving the crush in the past and just being friends. Because the truth is, I liked the way we hung out WAY more than the butterflies I got when he asked to do stuff with me. Sure I will probably still like him, but I want to hang out again and just be friends. I want to know him better without pushing it. But the problem is...I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET THE COURAGE TO DO THAT!!! I am a VERY introverted girl. I can't seem to gather the courage to even start a conversation with him! I really need some advice! Pls help me!


    My name is Corn because it goes with Green Beans. Lol

3 Answers

0 votes
by (40.6k points)
Friendship is standing shoulder to shoulder focusing on something else while a romantic relationship is facing each other focused on each other. You can't just focus on him as the foundation of your friendship so try to find something you can face together.
0 votes
by (28.8k points)

it seems like maybe you shoad explain EVERYTHING maybe he will understand or just try talking to him and ask if you can be friends again and many apologize I really hoped this helps.

you 2 seem perfect for each other btw

also, do you want to be friends??

0 votes
by (951k points)
Mmm! Corn on the cob!

Well, maybe try staging a conversation with your stuffed animals if you have any first. It worked for me when I asked for a KidzNet account.
Thanks! I will try that! I am VERY introverted and really need to work on my social skills lol.
by (951k points)
You’re welcome.


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