+3 votes
in Fiction by (2.8k points)

This is just a little thing I wrote for an assignment once. Hope you like it!

"Scarlett Clair, please listen!" called the teacher. I picked up my heavy head and looked at her. She was explaining nonsense and all I wanted was for the lunch bell to ring so I could get away from my partner. I sat next to Delaney Jones, the most popular girl at school who just loved to pick on me.

"Look who's back at it again, McKenzie! Sleeping on the job

once more." teased Delaney.

"Scarlett Clair. What a freak!" screeched Delaney's

best friend, McKenzie David.

I have learned to just ignore them and just think about how I

can use my anger to basically destroy them. I am secretly an amazing super

villain named Kiara Thorn. And I love to sneak around and steal riches that make me feel so much better after a long day of sitting through torment and agony! My next target is a golden elephant totem called the "Sunahara Haathee" (golden elephant in Hindi) that has powers to control minds. No one will ever underestimate me again with this statue!


The school lunch bell rang and I could have my lunch in peace. But I couldn't stop thinking about tonight and my plan. Once I finally made it home, I tossed myself on the bed and let out a deep sigh. "So good to be home."

Both of my parents work from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., so I had plenty of time to plan my scheme. I took out a pad and pencil and began to sketch the game plan. Delaney and McKenzie would never underestimate me again! The pencil scratched the pad as I drew fine lines and captions to create the perfect escape. I would take off at 4:00 P.M. sharp. It would take a while to overcome the massive guards and the security system, so I would need to bring a few accessories. My plan was in place.

I arrived at the bank around 4:45. There were many guards everywhere, so I needed to be careful. Smoke filled the air as many busses traveled below in the busy New York streets. I was already in my costume: a sleek red dress with black running down the sides. My midnight-black hair was pulled back with a rose clip and I had a thorn necklace, bracelet, and earrings to wear.

I jumped off the closest building flinging my rose hair clip like a boomerang at the two policemen blocking the entrance, knocking them out and landed on a parked bus. The clip came back and I flew down to the men. I stabbed them with a thorn of my bracelet to stun them for the next 3 hours, then took the keys attached to one of the man's pants. I threw them into the back of their car and unlocked the door with one of the keys labeled "ENTRANCE" in all caps. I slowly entered and turned invisible using my earrings so no one could see me.

There were many rooms, vaults, and desks in the closed bank. I slithered around each one seeing if I could find a map or something to lead me to the vault. I suddenly heard footsteps down the hallway. I tapped my earring, no longer hidden and took down my hair and mask too look like a regular girl. There was a lady that came all dressed up, not seeming surprised that I was out here after hours.

"Are you invited to our after-hours party, ma'am?" she asked.

"Umm...Yes! I am. I am a little undressed, though. Could you assist me with some powder?"

"Of course! And you can have it, almost out anyways." the lady replied as she pulled out the powder from her red leather purse.

I took the powder and put it in my dress pocket for later. She then directed me to the party where many people were dancing and there was a loud blast of music filling the air. I went up to the lady and asked, "Since I am so interested, I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the vaults."

"I would be delighted to!" she replied. We then made it through the hallway to the vault area. Every time we came up to one, I asked her what it was and what was inside. She would always reply. I needed to know which vault contained the totem! "This is the last vault." she exclaimed, suddenly turning around and walking back to the party.

"What is it called? What is inside?" I asked eagerly.

"This vault is confidential, there is no reason to know what is in here." she replied.

"Oh. Okay then. I guess I will head back. See you later!"

"Goodbye little girl! I hope to see you again when you are older and ready to get a job" she laughed. Then she walked back to the party and I tapped my earring to become invisible once more.

This was the vault! This was what I had been waiting for! I looked at the keys and picked the one with the number "23" on it. This was the same number as the vault. I used it and it opened slowly. I scurried inside and carefully shut the door so there was no noise in the hall. After locking the door back up, I tapped my earring and looked at the seemingly open area around the totem. I then saw a code on the wall that was used to turn off the security system, but I didn't want to take any chances. Besides, I had something else handy...THE POWDER!!! I blew the powder over the bare room and red lasers began to show. I could finally sneak past the security system and make it to the totem.

I looked around and suddenly saw the worst thing possible...THE SECURITY CAMERAS!!! I quickly threw my hair clip and broke all the cameras hoping that no one saw me, but it was too late. Crashing through the ceiling was my arch nemesis, Bella Rose!

"Stop right there Kiara Thorn! That magical totem will never belong to you!" she yelled.

"That's what you think Bella Rose! I can easily trick someone like you" I screamed. I suddenly tapped my earring and went under the lasers. She was shooting her rockets everywhere, trying to hit me every time. I could easily dodge her and the lasers, inching closer and closer to the Sunahara Haathee. I finally made it! I got the magical golden elephant totem! I can control anyone's mind!

"NO!!!" shrieked Bella Rose.

"Man kee roshanee!" I shouted. A beam of golden light shot from the totem and hit Bella in the chest. She then became my slave. I controlled her mind! Finally! I made my arch nemesis go on my side! I could now use her presence to reassure people who she says she will be protecting, and then stealing for my sake! I could also make Delaney and McKenzie stop underestimating me! I could get my teachers to give me good grades! All the possibilities are overwhelming!!!

I ran out of the bank and quickly went home, leaving Bella to tell everyone that she took the totem to her place to stay safe. No one would suspect a thing. And that is how I ruled the world.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (546k points)
I love it! Not just for something not MC related.
by (2.8k points)
0 votes
by (957k points)
by (2.8k points)
by (957k points)
You’re welcome!
0 votes
by (214k points)
Nice! :)
by (2.8k points)
0 votes
by (156k points)
by (2.8k points)

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