+5 votes
in All Advisors by (28.8k points)
I have a friend who is new to the school I immediately welcomed her and we became fast friends but her home life is very Tough and she needed help I immediately  was there and did everything I could to help at  any cost necessary everything was good until I started bring her twinkies well one day I was out and she got vary mad at me wen my friends would be talking whith me she calls them liers and say that they are talking bad and calls them ugly and talks whith there friends and whants me to help get them together she gets me in trouble and can vary handsy which makes me uncomfertabla and always nags me into buying her food and if I dont see stals mine she yells at teachers and tells them what thay can and cant do she got expelled from her preveis school for beating some one up for being "anoying" I am scared of her she is a taker and cheats on tests and tries to make me cheat and if I dont she does it for me we were partners one time and made me do all the work and yelled at me when I told her to work or I would stop being her  partners becase she  didn't work and deleted every thing and sometimes she even stoel from the scholl she is a user/taker how do I get rid of her plz help me I need you.
Omg I can't belive this.I know what she's trying to do. I Learned this in my health class this year for tenth grd still in tenth but like I know what she is trying to do. She's trying to isolate you from your friends and this phase is when someone is obsessed with you. you need to tell your parents and ask them to call the domestic violence holiness if this gets out of hand this person is toxic.If she is touching you where you don't want her to you tell her to stop.this person Is a red flag  Tell her to keep away. This isn't normal it's scary you need to say something. Do be afraid to say your truth. I'm only 16 but tell me what happends just use my name and I will reply as soon as I can.
by (949k points)

Do be afraid to say your truth.

I think you mean “don’t”.

Yeah sorry typo
by (949k points)
It’s fine! I’m just pointing that out.

4 Answers

0 votes
by (1.6k points)
Best answer
Don't be afraid to report her. This is very bad behavior and should not be accepted. Tell your parents or someone you trust to help you find a way where it might be possible to be friends. If you don't want to be her friend, just don't. It's that simple.
0 votes
by (28.8k points)
anymore ideas plz I REALLY NEED U
0 votes
by (949k points)
Same as Minecraftnerd, but also tell your teacher and principal.
0 votes
by (541k points)
Just say "we can't be friends anymore. ( insert lie like my parents won't let me here)"
by (28.8k points)
by (949k points)
I was gonna say that.


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