+6 votes
in Book Nook Club by (11.5k points)

Matched Triology (Matched, Crossed, Reached) By Ally Condie - Dystopian Romance Fiction

- It's really good. Its about this girl who lives in a soceity where when you turn a certain age you get matched with somebody to be your husband/wife. usually you are matched with someone you don't know, but she is matched with someone she is close with. However, she falls in love with someone else, and its illegal. Follow her journey!

- 4.9 stars!!!

- Recommend for ages 13+

Legend triology (Legend, Prodigy, Champion) By Marie Lu - Dystopian Fiction (elements of war and romance)

- I haven't finished this one, but the first book is good. Its about these two kids who live in a soceity where your status is based off of your exam results at age 10. One character failed, and one got a perfect score. One is a delinquent and one works for the military. They meet through a suspected murder, and fall in love. 

- 3.9 stars

Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger (10 books) - Fiction/Fantasy - Magic, elves, elements of war ish

- There is this girl named Sophie Foster who lives in San Diego. SHe is EXTREMELY smart for her age, and at age 12 she is already a senior in high school and has been accepted to ivy league colleges. One day, a mysterious boy appears and she is told she is a species called an elf. They literally live forevr. She develops enemies and friends and becomes famous. Throughout the ten books, she develops abilities and allianaces and enemies and does fights. 

- 5 stars

The Giver Quartet by Lois Lowry (The Giver, Gathering Blue, Messenger, Son) - dystopian fiction

- Rly hard to explain, but its set in 3 different places, the first is a community where everything is controlled by the government and age. You work at 12 y/o, get a bike at 9 y/o, and other things. The second is a small town where they gather and grow everything they need. the third is basically close to normal

- 4.5 stars

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry - Historical Fiction - WWII

- Annemarie and Ellen live in Denmark during WWII. Ellen is jewish and in danger. they have to escape Kristinacht and stuff like that

- 4 stars

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, STars ABove ) fiction i think
- google it, sorry, i havent read it all.
HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay) sorta dystopian, fiction (lots of elements of violence and death, mockingjay is boring, but everything else is good. there are movies, i recommend watching AFTER reading. just watch mockingjay is the book gets boring, but read all others first, they are on netflix until the end of march, otherwise they are on HBO Max)

- Every year, a boy and a girl from each district get picked in the reaping to go fight in a to the death contest. The winner gets riches while the losers die. 



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Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird?
by (11.5k points)
yes. i had to read it for school. i mean, its good but like not my favorite ya know? its very well written though


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