+7 votes
in Personal by (1.2k points)
I don’t know what to do. My mom asked to borrow my phone to call my grandma because hers was dead so I said yes and handed it over. My phone can be spotty on calls when I have tabs open as it it’s an older model so I closed everything out before giving it to her. I have OCD so I can’t stand having any notifications on my homescreen so i always clear out my mail, messages, etc. So I went to clear out my inbox in my phone app and saw my mom never made the call. I figured maybe she deleted it because she knows it bothers me. When I went to swipe out of my phone app I saw that all my socials were open as well as my photos and my browser. I knew I had closed them so I am sure my mom went through my phone and I don’t know whether to confront her or to leave it alone. It’s not like I am a bad kid that she has to check that I’m not doing anything bad. I don’t understand why she doesn’t trust me and I don’t know how to handle it. If you have any advice it would be much appreciated.

confront (18 votes, 100%)
leave alone (0 votes)
Confront in front of ur dad. She deserves it.
by (3.6k points)
Do you think they might be any reason for her to go through your phone? Like you acting suspicious?
Leave it alone!
no i have not. i always am on time and always let her know what i’m doing.

3 Answers

0 votes
Leave it alone.
0 votes
by (541k points)
0 votes
by (949k points)
Confront your mom and get the truth out of her. Then, make yourself trustworthy and give her a pledge that tells her to be honest about every action she does in the future. And make sure she signs the pledge.

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