+7 votes
in Other by (9.9k points)
So today i tried ignoring my old best friend but it turns out SHE IS MAD AT ME! I am very scared she will reveal my secrets but at least i have some dirt on her! I tried to sit with my other friends at lunch but they wouldn’t let me sit with them! What do i do? Do i stop ignoring her? Do i reveal her secrets? Help!
I think that if you reveal her secrets than she will be even more mad at you. But maybe tell an adult or make new friends because if your friends won't let you sit with them then they aren't your friends.

4 Answers

0 votes

I think revealing her secret Will not help anything i think it will make it worse. Why are you ignoring her?

0 votes
by (14.6k points)
Why are you ignoring h her? And if you reveal her secrets she will be EVEN MORE upset at you and may not want to be your friend anymore. Otherwise, with your other “friends” not letting you sit with them. They may not be real friends.
0 votes
by (949k points)
I think she’s trying to blackmail you. You should tell an adult about it.
0 votes
So, as much as it sounds great to do, don't expose her, because she might get worse. Keep doing what you're doing and tell someone (teacher, friend).

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