+9 votes
in Other by (10.1k points)
So yesterday i told my mom everything and guess what ? She told both my teachers! They already talked to me and said that they would talk to her and then to both of us together. I told my ex-friend (not sure if that’s a word) if we could talk about what happened and she said yes so i told her how she slapped me and how it affected me and she literally started crying and made everyone think i hit her! what the #### do i do
by (1.12m points)
By the way, who flagged this?
by (4.7k points)
No idea

Ok got some tips for you.   

For one thing get new friends 

And also just don't talk to her ever again.

also i know what the hashtags are meant to be.

Tell everyone about her slapping you and tell all of her friends too.

4 Answers

+1 vote
your frien sounds like lila from mlb
Do you mean Lila from Miraculous?
by (1.12m points)
This is unrelated but am I the only one who thinks of Major League Baseball when I hear MLB?
I say mlb for miraculous ladybug cause  other ppl started saying it so yaa
+2 votes
by (13.7k points)
Dang that sounds pretty bad. If it's just the students that think your not the victim then the teachers will probs pass it off as a rumor if it's the teachers that think that then you should vouch for yourself and try to get your other friends to do the same.
+2 votes
I think people will definitely believe you more than her. See if she has a story that she can actually use, meanwhile you can talk to the adults calmly with the truth and not having her make it up along the way. Maybe tell them how much it hurt you.
+1 vote
by (1.12m points)
Tell your teachers about what just happened, or when your teachers talk to you, mention that.

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