+6 votes
in Other by (56.2k points)
Pleez answer my questions.

1. Who is your best friend?

2. Who is ur KT crush, don't tell u don't have(preparing for heartache)

3. Who is ur enemy?

4. Who do u think does not fit in KT?

5. Do I fit in KT?

6. Am I ur friend or enemy?

7. Do u like me?

8. Draw how I will look like (in seperate answer)

9. What's ur zodiac sign?

10. Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (56.2k points)
My answers

1. I think every single popular KT user

2. Eloquentracer92

3. No one

4. Ummm.. It's Someone from when I wasn't here... Her name is Jane.

5. Ya

6. Me is my worst enemy

7. I kinda like myself.

8.  Skip

9. Aquarius ♒

10. I will sue u.
+3 votes
by (953k points)
1. I don’t have one.

2. I don’t have one. Hopefully you prepared.

3. On KT, nobody. In real life, this girl that used to “bully” me.

4. Nobody. (except adults who aren’t KS staff)

5. Yep!

6. Like everybody on here, you’re my friend.

7. You’re just my friend. I don’t randomly like (as in crushing) people online.

9. I’m a Leo.

10. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
by (56.2k points)
Where is question 8?
by (953k points)
I’m gonna include it on a separate post.
by (84.5k points)
  1. Dont have one
  2. JD2005
  3. Fluffipupi
  4. Fluffpupi
  5. Absoulutly
  6. Your a friend
  7. Yes
  8. Ok
  9. Im a leo
  10. Or desurt you

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