+7 votes
in Today I Learned... by (56.2k points)
I'm not lesbian, yayyyyyyy. I was lesbiany when I was a toddler.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (543k points)
What's wrong with being lesbian?
by (56.2k points)

Nothing. It's my first not so boring news. Plus I'm not excited! I want to be lesbian!!! T_TI miss u lesbiannnn. 

* me while typing this comment. I shouldn't necessarily have to be dramatic. 

by (440 points)
Everything. Everything is wrong with being lesbian. It's absolutely disgusting.
by (951k points)
Searching the web for: who asked

0 results
by (525k points)

Let's try not to be so rude with our controversial opinions, yeah?

You can say it in a nicer way.
by (154k points)
May I ask why?

And I won’t accept the answer “God made man and woman for each other blah blah blah” or anything like that.

Because personally, I am a woman who loves women, men, etc etc. I very much disagree with your statement.
by (159k points)
Beezchurger is a gigachad

Bro spoke his opinion firmly and stood his ground like a man

Not involved in this argument but I am a Christian and while I don’t support LGBTQ+, I do not hate it either. I only hate the TOXIC (I SAID TOXIC CAN IT SENSITIVE PEOPLE) part of the community.


by (525k points)
I wouldn't say that they're a "gigachad." They said their opinion in a very rude manner when they could have just said they didn't agree with it.

Calling it "disgusting" and saying, "everything is wrong with it"  is not something I would find very mature.
by (154k points)
Okay, what about toxic people in the Christian community?

Not to be rude to either of you, but Beezchurgers statement was pretty toxic itself.

Can’t people just let people be and express themselves in their own way?

Also EloquentRacer is the Rick Astley version of Chad and NobodyImportant is the Very Important version of Chad and I am the um Gay Chad



I’m joking I very much disagree with both of you but I had to
by (951k points)

Bro spoke his opinion firmly and stood his ground like a man


by (159k points)

There is SOME toxic people on the Christian community.

I will 100% recognize that.

Some people that call themselves “Christians” aren’t really Christians.

Don’t let impostors (AMONG US) in the Christian community blur your view on us.


“Can’t people just let people be and express themselves in their own way?”


by (951k points)
Yeah true. I don’t agree with Beezchurger’s opinion at all, but opinions ARE opinions, and thus should be respected. (Unless that person is trying to shove their opinion down your throat)
by (525k points)
And I need people who don't agree with it to please refrain from calling it "disgusting" and saying that everything is wrong with it.

Just say you don't agree with it.

And we can agree to disagree.
by (440 points)
Mine craft nerd asked.
by (440 points)
Appreciated. Thank you fellow Christian.
by (154k points)
Can we just not say lesbians or anything related to that is disgusting? Because it really isn’t and hurts peoples feelings. Lets just stop talking about it

by (159k points)
0 votes
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (84.5k points)
Its not something to be happy about you could hurt others feelings by how exited you are
by (263k points)
But it's her personal belief...??
by (84.5k points)
Yeah ur right

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