+4 votes
in Venting by
i think im bi because i have a little kinda sorta teeny weenie crush on my friend whos a girl and i am a girl too, but i used to have a crush on a friend who was a boy and idk.. I AM CONFUSED WHAT MY SEXUALITY IS NOW noooo..... Im scared if i am bi because its such a homophobic world out there. but idk if i am bi because i never really felt like i was...... helppppppppppppppppppppppp if i dont really feel like im bi am i really???i know my parents will accept me if i am but omg so confused!! can yall help meeee

5 Answers

0 votes
ok thanks for reassureance guys :) i feel better
+1 vote
by (155k points)
You might be bi.
by (56.2k points)
Wots bi?
bi means attractied to both genders
by (84.5k points)

When you have feelings for both female and male genders
Bi can also be described as liking 2 or more genders with preference, but a lot of people also say that it's liking both girls and boys.
+1 vote
I think you may just be straight (at least for now). You can find your friend attractive and still not in a way that it’s a crush. If it becomes a bigger thing though, with multiple girls… welcome to the club, kiddo. Don’t be scared either- the pride communities a strong one, and homophobia stands no chance :)
"Homophobia stands no chance."

Best words of 2023.
ok ty
+1 vote

You might be bi, but you could also be pansexual or polysexual. (Pansexual is feeling attraction to people regardless of gender with no preference, polysexual is feeling attraction to some genders, but not all, and if some people who read this post don't know what bisexual means, although most people already know, it's feeling attraction to some or more genders with preference, there are other ways to describe bisexual as well.) If you think you're bi, you are probably bi. But sometimes it also takes time to figure things out. That's okay, too. You don't need to automatically know, but you also can just know. And either of those are fine.

0 votes
by (541k points)
You may be bi, pan or poly.

Nothing is wrong with LGBT+

There are a lot of people out there who are part of LGBT+ (I'm one of em)
nice thats cool

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