+8 votes
in Personal by (11.0k points)
im always hungry wut do i do?

Start eating more food at mealtimes. pizzahamburgercupcakecookiefriessandwich

7 Answers

+1 vote
by (521k points)
Best answer
Eat. Or sometimes, because people can mistake the feeling of being overly dehydrated for being hungry, you should drink water to see if your hunger feeling goes away.
0 votes
by (166k points)
0 votes
by (5.8k points)
Ok so I may be completely wrong and also I'm really late but please hear me out. Recently I have come across lots of your posts. I don't know why and I don't really care tbh. I'm only 12 so I may be completely wrong but I have had 3 seperate therapists so yh, I know a bit about mentle health. (Because of my size they were worried I had a eating disorder. That is not the reason I went to therapy but yh, they did test me and told me way to much about it for me being an emetophobic). So anyway. Looking at your posts I've seen I have some sort of feeling that you may have some sort of eating disorder. The reason I'm saying that is because lots of them have been things like 'help!!! Im always wanting chocolate what do I do.' this just makes me feel like I may be wrong entirely but if there's the slightest chance of you having an eating disorder I would really like to make my voice be heard. Please don't worry too much I just really want you to be ok and I just have a really strange feeling about this

Girl online going offline
0 votes
You should try chewing some gum because you may not be hungery you may just crave chewing on stuff. Hope I helped!
0 votes
by (2.1k points)
I am the same I had to train myself to have three meals a day with one snack inbetween
+1 vote
by (14.6k points)
Drink water how old are you?
by (11.0k points)
im 11
by (14.6k points)
Ok. You need five to six cups of water per day
by (11.0k points)
wut rly?


ty for ur help
It's actually supposed to be 8 for ANYONE, more or less for special requirements, but honestly, you should just drink when you're thirsty, there isn't much science to back even 8 cups up. If you're in a hot and/or dry climate, or on an airplane, or anywhere else dehydrating, drink a lot of water.
by (14.6k points)
Yes for the hot climate but it’s by age. 8 cups of for adults. 8 to 12 for adults
by (14.6k points)
GoGirlsLOL- Yep. I know it’s a lot. lol.

And YW
Ik what you're saying, I just wanted to mention that this is just that there isn't data to back the 8 cups thing up, it's just have water when you need to. I don't mean to be rude in any way, you have good points here. (:
by (14.6k points)
:) ok. Thanks
+1 vote
by (948k points)
Just eat normally. You aren’t gonna die.

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