+5 votes
in Venting by
Hon, its okay. We both know how much you want to say but have nobody to say it to. Don't worry, love, I'm here and I'll listen. You deal with so much every day, its unfair that a beautiful person like yourself goes through that. Im so proud of you though, because you are so strong and brave. I love you :)

I'll go first, in my little vent/intro so you feel comfy :D

Hi, im F (not going to say real name). I am a genderfluid and aromantic person that uses he/she/they pronouns. I am German and American. I have undiagnosed depression, social anxiety, insecurities, and undiagnosed autism. Now, tell me about youep, anything you want. Im here and I'll always be here to listen to you. You beautiful angel, i love you :)

4 Answers

0 votes
by (526k points)
Best answer

Well, I feel like I have ADHD. And yeah, I've had some anxiety attacks before in the past (kinda about stupid stuff that had literally nothing to do with me but it was hopeless to reason with myself). I'm pretty sure I'm straight and I use she/they pronouns. Then again I've never fell in love with someone before so *shrug*. And I also have a lot of insecurities about my weight and overall appearance..

And thank you. It's nice to have someone to talk to! I have my mom, but she's not always available. I have a very drama-filled life, so I really do need this sometimes. I can't believe you've done 8 of these!

Also, how was your day?

Aw, anxiety attacks definitely arent fun, but they happen for a reason :)

Also insecurities are garbage lol. But hon you are beautiful and that's no exaggeration

And of course. Im sorry about your mom and your dramatic life, it definitely isn't easy. Im glad I could help you, though! My day was amazing, thank you so much for asking :)

A piece of pie in Jamaica is 3.99$, and a piece of pie in the Bahamas is 2.99$. These are the Pie rates of the Carribean.


Love u :D
by (526k points)
Yeah, it's nothing to be worried about, I get it. And like I said my mom is really supportive of me and everything I do and she's always there if I ever need to talk but sometimes she gets a little busy and I totally understand.

Thank you for saying i'm beautiful! I'm in the midst of puberty so I looked it up and it said gaining weight is normal! And also, i'm glad your day was great!

If you've ever heard of harry potter and like it

Fawkes: Get me a burger and fries. That's and order harry!

Harry: Yes, Fawkes!


Peace and love to you too!


0 votes
by (776k points)
Ik this is old but.

Hey I am Carly I am 13, I use she/her pronouns, I am Venezuelan-American and I love Scandinavian/Nordic countries, Genealogy, YouTube and Drawing. I have Diagnosed Autisim (I got diagnosed in 2012) and Social Anxiety. I also have self-esteem problems most of the time
0 votes
I feel so much better reading these messages. Thank you so much. My mental health hasn't been the best lately, so this helps so, so much. Tomorrow's the first day of pride month, so, happy early pride month (but it could be different for you because of time zones.)
Im so glad I could help you :D

I hope your mental health gets better. You and everyone else that suffers from poor mental health deserve the absolute world.

And yes, today is the first day if pride month! Happy Pride to you and everyone else who celebrates it.

Luv u :)
Thank you so, so much. These posts mean everything to me. It helps so much. Happy Pride :). Thank you for that, I mean it. :)
+1 vote
by (214k points)
Ty for your helpful messages! (Ik I'm late but) welcome to KT!

I'm Nayeon! I live in the USA and I love drawing, singing, and art! Another thing I love is collecting albums and kpop!
Oh no, why am I so late to this?

You're welcome very much! I am a user on here, unregistered, but I stopped doing these posts because I started making an image for myself on this site. I was, and still am, oddly embarrassed of sharing my identity because of how I think people will think of me. Its weird, and nobody would probably care, but I am still probably not going to share my identity until am comfortable, but I will definitely keep posting using my unregistered user :)

You sound so fun! Album collecting is amazing. Kpop is also really great :D

- The anonymous but not actually anonymous user

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