+6 votes
in Other by (261k points)

Hi! So I'm curious about getting some piercings lately...

I will warn you though, some of my descriptions of my experiences can get a little nasty, so keep that in mind before you read it skull

So yeah! Piercings! They're super cute, and they can look super edgy and bad, uh, bass XD And my mum has told me she literally doesn't care if I get any or not, and I'm considering one or two this summer! 

Thing is, 1.) I have a poor track record with piercings, 2.) I'm scared of any scars they could leave, and 3.) What kind I should get or if I should even get one at all! So, maybe you guys could help me out a little??

1.) Soooo, this is the kinda gross part I was talking about. My entire life, I have had the worst luck with being allergic to metals and nasty infections with my ear piercings (I just have the basic one in each ear I got done at Claire's when I was 5 haha tomatoe). Seriously, I'm not sure if what's causing my oozing and pus and cysts and such other pretty stuff near my piercings is because of the type of metal, or merely the sensation of having something in there. I've tried everything up to pure silver- no luck. I'll be trying gold and white gold this weekend to see if it helps. 

On that, is it true that your ears have to get used to wearing earrings all over again when you don't wear them for almost a decade? Because although I still have my holes, I rarely wear earrings. RARELY. Once or twice a year. It's just that after a couple days of wearing them, the pain and itching is UNBEARABLE!!

But seriously! My earlobes swell up and turn red when I wear them, but I want to wear them so. Dang. Bad!!

2.) I'm interested in some *special* piercings, like my septum or belly button. I'm just nervous that it will leave a weird "piercing bump" afterwards, and I don't want one! At least, a permanent one- I don't mind temporary. 


I think a belly piercing is so gosh darn cute. It's just that I don't wear enough crop tops or bikinis to really get one. And with my cheer activities, it would be SO painful (piercings can hurt really bad if you mess with them or touch them for up to a year). So I'm tempted, but not sure it's the most logical choice.

I reallyyyyyy like septum piercings, Idk why! Ik people call them bull rings and stuff, but I think I could pull one off. Thing is, my school doesn't allow it... I mean, Idrc, but still. I like 'em. 

I also think some cartilage piercings would be so cute! I mean, they're simple, but you can make 'em look so cool, and they're dress code friendly :) The con? Again, I'm not sure how my ears will react. I've had earrings get stuck. Even had to pull one out backwards (the diamond!) because the back was stuck! T_T

Also, what do guys think of piercings? Like, do you think they're cool? Or do you prefer girls without them/ less altercations to themselves? 

Anyways, I'm just kinda rambling in this post. If you made it this far, feel free to throw your opinion and thoughts on them below :)))

Love you all!! <<33

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (514k points)

Late but I have

Two peorcings

by (154k points)

Me too one in each ear

 That i barely use oop

by (261k points)
+2 votes
by (23.4k points)
Well I mean personally I think belly piercings look really good and I kinda want to get one for myself
by (261k points)

Me too, girl download Unfortunately I bought a vroom vroom with my money, and now I'm broke until the summer :/ 

by (523k points)

Talk about a cruel summer—

I'm not a Swiftie, I just got reminded of that song x3

by (155k points)
by (23.4k points)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
All signs point to nope.
by (261k points)
Lol Ik, but Idc at this point. You only live once, and although it's expensive to get in the first place, I can just take it out. I think I'll get it done in March.
by (137k points)
Okay, You've been warned...

But that's okay, don't let this little social media website for kids tell you what to do.
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I love them and I love the badaaaaa look lol :)

My sister got a second peircing on her ear and I love the look so much I regret not getting one two! I would try a nose piercing cause you can make it look bad or not.
+2 votes
by (949k points)
Like Writingnerd, you probably shouldn’t wear earrings based on your situation.

Also, I think a lot (like world records for most body modifications) of piercings are really cool, but anything that the wearer wants is cool to me! I have no piercings personally.
+1 vote
Okay, so I would not recommend piercings because of your situation, but if you do get them, I would go with cartilage. Also, some places do have rules/laws about things like nose rings, so check those first. :D

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