+2 votes
in Personal by
I’m 15 and I’ve been afraid of my dad for a couple of years, I’m afraid he’ll find out I’m a lesbian and that I’m on social media talking to people I don’t know. I’ve never given out my real name, or stuff like that, I’ve only ever given out my age, that’s it. The people I talk to are also around my age, 15-18, and I barely ever even talk to them. And it’s not even like I’m trying to be in a relationship, I just want people to talk to. I’ve been homeschooled for a few years so I don’t have a choice, what else am I meant to do if I want to make friends. I'm also afraid that he’ll find out I talk to my friend who I’ve known for over 10 years, this friend told me what being gay meant, and he has always seen them as a bad influence. I’m tired of being lonely. I’m tired of being scared all the time. I don’t know what to do.

6 Answers

0 votes
by (541k points)
Talk to the people on the child abuse help hotline.

Do what the counselors tell u.
0 votes
if you can go to your moms house then your safe from him but if its like mines and if he hits you a lot I would call cps.
0 votes
Like DinosoorLOL said, nobody should have to go through that. If you need to talk to anybody, I can. I know it's hard and scary, but I support you.
Thank you <3
<3 of course. I feel for you and I understand what you're going through.
+1 vote
by (214k points)
Ahh I'm also 15 and have some online friends, and at first my mom was against it, but eventually she understood more since I'm also homeschooled and don't get to see friends much! I hope everything goes well!! I don't really know what advice to give cause I'm really tired, but I wish you best!
0 votes
Hon, first off let me just say how brave you are. Nobody, absolutely nobody, should have to go through that. As a fellow LGBTQ+ person, I understand how you feel 100%. Do you have any other relatives or friends to talk to, at all? Maybe you can make some new ones. (which I know isn't easy but hey you never know until you try!).

Good luck, you little les-bean :)

You don’t understand how much you saying this means to me, thank you so much. I don’t have any relatives that I feel comfortable talking to about stuff like this, and the only friend I have is the one I mentioned. I’m probably going to try and talk to them about it because I haven’t tried yet. Again, thank you so much.heart

Ignore this I replied twice because I thought the first reply didn’t go through
0 votes
by (64.3k points)

I feel bad for you sad_smile

you could talk to a trusted adult about it or you could plan a day where you get outside and meet new friends so you won't feel lonely.

Remember, I got your back!

Thank you so much, that means a lot. <3

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