+9 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 1: Badlands

Adonis was strips mining again as always. Demand was great, especially from those who lived in the Land Far Away. The citizens lived in luxury there, and they couldn't care less about the people who worked in the Badlands for their money. 2 nuggets of gold a day, if you were lucky. Him and his friends were in a gigantic ravine, and even coal was hard to find in these subpar outcoves. That's the price they paid for a mistake they didn't even choose to make.
Citizens of the Badlands weren't citizens by choice. Not even the first people who came there. They were all Netherborns or treasonous citizens from the Land Far Away. Netherborns, half-human children of evil mob gods and goddesses (and one human parent), had to live in the Badlands just because of their blood.
But Adonis and his friends knew the truth. Skyborns, or half-human "heroes", were separated from Netherborns because the stuck up gods and goddesses knew that Netherborns would kick their butts. But that couldn't be proven, because there was a barrier between the two.
The atmosquare.
And not to mention their children. They were probably all super weak, considering their parents were passive. What made Netherborns strong was that aggression ran in their blood—they got things done and did it quick. Skyborns always wanted to talk and make peace, but that never works. And yet they were the ones who lived on prosperous land.
"I struck iron! You all owe me 20 ingots!" Called Sage Fare, daughter of the blaze god, Blagereth. "But I only have 6 ingots on me," squeaked Preston, son of the neutral goddess of mutant nether pigs Pedra. "Maybe I could check my life savings and give you that.."
"No need, you're nice so just give me...3 ingots." 
Did Adonis hear her right? She must've been having a good day that day, she doesn't usually cut down on bets she wins. Or maybe it was because Preston was the baby if the group. He would never hurt a fly unless you hurt people he loved, or him. "What about me?" Yelled Wayne from the other side of the ravine. "Do I get a discount?" "No, because I had to help you not hit the wrong things while you were mining!" Replied Sage, now imitating her friend striking everything but the stone. Everyone laughed.
"It's not my fault I'm blind!" Wayne tried to reason. He was half-blind, inheriting that trait and others from the goddess of wardens, Welga. "Well it's not mine, either. Adonis, what do you think?"
Adonis was spaced out, not being able to hear Sage yell his name. "Adonis!" Screamed Sage, making him jump and drop his pickaxe. "What? I'm right here!" He replied. "Well you didn't hear me! Anyways, I don't think I should cut on the bet with Wayne because I've been helping him, but he thinks I should. What do you think?" Adonis thought for a moment. "What did you say you bet on?"
"20 gold ingots."
"Not even I have 20 ingots! We only get nuggets, not even enough to make ingots. Why did you bet that? Do you have 20 ingots?"
"No, but—" began Sage. "Exactly," said Adonis, cutting her off. "That's not fair."
"Will you listen for a second?" She said irritably. "As I was saying, we could steal some ingots from BL Bank! Remember how good we are at swiping stuff? We could all work together and live the dream afterwards!" The deal was tempting, but Adonis had to disagree. "The reason we're doing this dirty work is because we got let off easy by Saint Null's Church, and that was 'cause there were too many people in the jail, already."
"Hold on, where's the other 2?"

Sorry this was so short, I have to go eat dinner. Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!

nobodyimportant out—

4 Answers

0 votes
by (130k points)
I just read this and regret skipping it:) a masterpiece!
by (526k points)

I kinda don't like this, just cuz it was too short and the formatting was off. But hey, the first chapter has to get done before the good chapters start :D
0 votes
by (147k points)

A must-read :PPP
by (526k points)
Zank you kind lady :3

Favorite character so far? Or maybe the one that's most like you XD

I think I'm a mix of Sage and Adonis but I don't know :p
by (147k points)

Preston because my best friend is named Preston

by (526k points)
I just noticed this XD


My favorite is Preston, too, cuz he's such a sweetheart.
0 votes
by (544k points)
I recognized some of the names!

Amazing story!

But u have some competition with me bc I'm making a MC fanfic.
by (526k points)
Oh really?

Let the competition begin!

Thank you so much for your feedback!

Also what names did you recognize, by any chance?

by (544k points)
Null and Preston
by (526k points)
Hehehe yes I may or may not have did that on purpose :3
0 votes
I love this!!!
by (526k points)
Thank you so much! Again sorry it's so short. I didn't have enough time to put a lot of detail into it and I wrote the first draft before this but I let my tablet fall asleep so it got erased *cry*.

It would've been better than this!

But the universe didn't want me to post it I guess XD

Thank you so much for your support!!!

Who's your favorite character so far? (Also your character and one of my ocs have the same name, cool huh? :D)

That's totally fine!

That's happened to me before, it's the worst.

It's really good!

Sage!!! (Ikr, it's cool!)

by (526k points)





by (544k points)
Solution to your problem of your story getting deleted. To prevent it from happening again type it into a document instead of right on here. And to get it on here, just copy and paste.

That's what I do. :)
by (526k points)
Oh okay! Thanks for the tip!

I don't have a document app on here so maybe I'll find a different way of getting a document app.

Thanks again! :D
Ooh. That's smart!!! Sometimes I start on Nanowrimo before I add stories here, so thank you, I'll keep doing this! (Ik you probably weren't talking to me as well as Nobi, but it's still really helpful).
by (526k points)
I'm glad she could help you, too, Wn!
by (526k points)

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