+4 votes
in Other by
Ok so it is like 2:00 and at 12:00 midnight we heard a voice it was very clear and loud it said "hello any one home and before that he was banging on the doors in my estate and he was in my lawn and started banging on the Windows of my house and then we heard him open a side gate and some bins rattle then he moved on to the next house two down from me she opens up and he asked her something and then the woman slammed the door and there was just silence but the weird thing is we never saw him by the was my friend is over on a sleepover with me and she is now asleep and I am lying on the floor scared as heck

1 Answer

0 votes
by (523k points)

I couldn't read that clearly but are you saying he was trying to get in your house or your neighbor's?

My !!!
by (523k points)

Well tell your parents about it if they're available right now.

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