+9 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 3: The Plan

Adonis and Webner met up with the group back at the ledge. Webner had trouble jumping upward from 6 blocks away, so Adonis ended up carrying him, like always. He was being horseback rode by the child.

"Finally, there you two are!" Sage said. "Winnie told us everything. Did you really poop your pants when you saw her?" Everyone laughed except for Adonis, who's face got red. "That was a major exaggeration, Winnie! You know I didn't poop my pants," he added calmly. He didn't even poop his pants a little bit.

"Really? Because I heard a boom in there, and last time I checked, there were no creepers in that cave!" Laughed Winnie. Adonis rolled his eyes and glanced up at the sky. "The sun's setting, we should head back to base."

They all agreed and followed the path back to their underground base. They had to jump to a ladder that was not too far from a steep fall down. It was a long ladder, though, so there was less chance of missing and falling, but still.

"Have you guys been practicing parkour, like I asked?" Said Adonis, managing to double jump to the next ledge. Everyone's eyes widened in shock, mouths hanging open. "How..." Began the ginormous Half-Human, Wayne. Adonis put his hand up and said, "I live for parkour. I've been practicing something that no one else can do for weeks now, and I've kinda perfected it."

"No doubt," whispered Sage under her breath. "You guys didn't answer my question. Have you been practicing?" He said once more. They all shook their head no, and Adonis sighed. "How do you guys expect to ever get good at leaving the ravine? What if I'm not here to help you?"

He was back to his old self again, acting like a dad to everyone else. He wasn't even the oldest of the eleven kids in the group. But that didn't make a difference, he was the one who brought them all together in the first place. He was the glue of the crew, and that's what really mattered.

"Okay, Sage can jump first and I'll catch her. Then we'll go in alphabetical order."

They all did what he said, and Sage went first. She took many steps back and sprinted full force. She jumped at the last minute and almost fell, but Adonis caught her, just like he promised. She looked up at him, a little scared, but he stared back at her with determination in his eyes that said, "I got you no matter what." She nodded and he pulled her up. 

Then Preston stepped back a few blocks. He sprinted, just as Sage, and jumped at the end. This time, Adonis did not have to catch him, and he hung for dear life on the edge of the stone. his legs were dangling pitifully as he tried to pull himself up. He failed horribly at the attempt, as his arms were a bit too weak.

Adonis rushed over to help his friend. Then Wayne and the twins went up next, each having to be helped onto the platform. Wayne was a bit harder to cooperate with, due to his abnormally large stature. It took all of them combined to help him up. But he most likely was the biggest teddy bear on the crew, so they kept him around.

A few hours later they were around the corner from the base. Once they got there, Adonis turned around to face the crew.

"Who would like to do the honors?" He asked, grinning. Preston's hand shot up, "Ooh, ooh, ooh! Me, me, pick me please!" But on the other side, Winnie had her hand up. "No, it's my turn! I wanna do it!"

"You did it last time!" Whined Preston.

"Well, you did it the day before me!" Winnie said on the contrary.

"Wayne never gets a turn, maybe he should do it."

They all looked at Sage, who suggested the idea. "Wayne it is!" Exclaimed Adonis. Wayne walked over to Adonis, very wearily so, since he was half-blind, and asked, "Where's the button, again?"

"Right here!" he replied. "Thank you."

Wayne pressed the button gently, as to not break the button by the weight of his hand. The ground rumbled, and part of it broke into a contraption that ascended into the air. They all stood amazed and watched as their heavily secured base unraveled into a tunneled entrance.

"That never ceases to amaze me," said Adonis softly. "Okay, let's go, I'm hungry."

They entered the long tunnel-like entrance. At the end of the tunnel was an iron door and a codepad next to it. These items were illegal to have, unless it's owner was a government official. Evan, the redstone genius of the crew, and the son of the ender goddess, or dragon queen, Enid, had a knack for sneakily stealing any redstone powered things.

Evan was also the one who designed the entrance contraption for the base.

"Herobrine's Shield," Adonis said while typing into the pad. The pad, in a distorted and enderman sounding voice, replied, "Access Denied."

"What! That's the password.." said Adonis, confused. Evan came down the stairs that led up to the main section if the base. "Oh, sorry guys," he said softly, "I forgot to say I changed the password. It's 'C418' now."

Adonis put "C418" into the pad. "Access Granted." 

"Oh. Thanks, Evan!" thanked Adonis, and the iron door opened. They all went up to the main base, and the smell of pumpkin pie floated in the air.

 Everyone was extremely hungry, they could eat a live bunny. Evan was not only a genius at redstone, but also a genius at cooking, as well. He had made chicken, pumpkin pie, and delicious, baked bread. "Hey guys!" Called Maxine, daughter of the Magma god Magnus. "Glad you could make it! We're just about to dig in. Well, I was gonna start without you, ya'll were taking too long, but I didn't."

"Uhh, thank you?" Said Sage hesitantly. She went over and hugged her best friend of the group. You would think they were sisters, considering they both have a hot temper and are inseparable. Evan guided Preston away from the group, starting a quiet conversation with him.

Adonis looked around and saw that Wayne was being helped by the twins on getting some food. "Here is the bread—no, over here, Wayne—" explained Webner. He was having trouble seeing what was what, and Adonis was glad the twins weren't taking advantage of him.

Adonis smiled to himself, seeing the family he had help build. Everyone was so happy and was having a good time, he couldn't help but feel it too.


He winced, his stomach growling and ruining the moment. He decided to go and get something to eat.

"So," began Sage and they all sat down to eat. 5 others were listening in, since there were 11 of them.

"I want us to steal some gold from the BL Bank, you know, so that we can roll in the riches!"

"Didn't I already say no?" Said Adonis, his mouth stuffed with food. He swallowed before talking again. "We got caught and that's why we're on ravine duty for the next few months. We can't get in anymore trouble."

"Someone set us up last time, otherwise it would've been the perfect crime. Please?"

"No, and that's my final word." Adonis took another bite of his bread. "...If we do this, we could afford to get one of those things where they sense your aura to see what nether parent you have!" Said Sage in a very convincing manner. Adonis stopped eating. "A nethersensor? The ones only commissioned by the government?" She nodded.

He sighed. All of their eyes got big, and anticipation lurked in the atmosquare. "What do you say?"





Kinda long, I know, (mcn, please still read this, you'll like it!)

Esie and MCN




nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (147k points)

:thumbs up:
by (526k points)
:two thumbs up:
0 votes
by (544k points)
Don't worry my fave part of my day is reading the new part/s.  I actually have a few theories about it.
by (526k points)
Aww, that means so much to me!

I posted a new one just now and waiting for it to be verified.

Mind telling about some of your theories? You don't have to if you don't wanna :p

by (544k points)
  1. all the Netherborns are related to hostile/boss/certain neutral mb gods and the skyborns are the passive and the rest of the neutral
  2. Adonis' non human half is Herobrine/Null
That's all for now
by (526k points)
Those are very cool therories!

I'm excited to see if some of them are true!
0 votes
by (544k points)
I recognized some more names.



by (526k points)
Yay I'm gladdddd!


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