+9 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 4: The Heist

The crew all cheered and woo-hooed when Adonis agreed to start robbing again.

"BUT," he blurted out, quieting everyone down. "This must be our biggest and LAST heist that we do. If we get caught, who knows what'll happen?"

"Fine by me!" Grinned Sage as she took another joyous bite of her food. Adonis was daydreaming about how it would all play out. They would steal an enormous amount of gold from the bank, no one would ever know it was them, and get the nethersensor. Then they would turn it on, put it on his arm, and the mark that burned upon it would reveal his nether parentage.

But what if it didn't work? He thought, starting to think about all that could possibly go wrong.

"Oi! World to Adonis!" He heard a voice say. He snapped out of his anxious state. He turned his head to Evan, who was staring at him with his admirable, gem-like pupils. It was a glorious amethyst color, inherited by only the finest of enderkind.

"Are you alright? You were staring off into the abyss."

Adonis nodded, putting on an awkward smirk. He tried to upturn his lips in a way that would express his goofy nature, but he failed miserably. "No, you're not. I can see it in your eyes.."

"It's 'cause yours make people a little uncomfortable... Stop!" He added irritably. Evan shook his head and went back to eating. Adonis sighed and did the same.

A few hours later, after everyone was well fed, they all went to the meeting room to converse the presented plan. Sage went first, stating her idea and how she thought it should be handled.

"We only take six if us. I say we should take one who can override the redstone systems, like Evan. And we need someone like Preston to distract the illagers. They get distracted by all things cu—uh, cunning. Yes, cunning, Preston's very cunning,—" Preston blushed,—"And if we get attacked by those magician and axe-wielding illagers, then you need my power and Maxine's power combined. You, Adonis, can use your stealth while we deal with them and get all the gold, in and out."

Adonis stroked his chin as he was listening, seeing no real flaws in that plan. "I see how that could work. The part you said about Preston being cunning didn't make sense,—" Now she was blushing, "—but other than that... I think it's a reasonably fine plan!"

Everyone in the room started to chatter, discussing the plan over and over to themselves. "Do we all think the same?" questioned Evan authoritatively. Everyone exclaimed in unison, "Yes!"

"Great!" Exclaimed Adonis. "We go tomorrow night..."

(The Next Night...)

Everyone wore their best camouflaged outfits. They didn't necessarily have to know who was who, as long as they knew that it was an ally. There was a guard in front of the building marching back and forth along the entrance. He held a crossbow, so he must have been an ex-pillager. "Some mobs can't be controlled by us netherborns," whispered Evan, "so you guys have to be extra careful around them."

"We weren't planning on getting caught," Adonis whispered seriously. Once Adonis sense that the guard wasn't paying attention, he gave the hand signal to move in quick.

Sage and Maxine led with confident strides. Preston was right behind them, and Adonis was in the back. "Remember," Sage whispered to Preston, "if you see a guard, just be yourself." Preston smiled and nodded. Sage looked at Maxine and Adonis. "Let's go."

They left Preston behind them to go and travel deeper into the bank. The goal was to get to the vault without fail. They were sneaking along swiftly until Maxine suddenly stuck her arms out to stop Sage and Adonis in their tracks. 

This startled them briefly, "What!?" they said in unison. "Look!" Maxine pointed around the corner of the wall they were now hiding behind. They both peeked around, looking at a ravaged that was chained, and two Hexcasters next to them. They were called Hexcasters because they did evil and dangerous magic with their hex henchmen. Adonis gulped in fear. "These mobs have a reputation for being the most deadly..."

"That's why you're going to let us handle it!" replied Maxine confidently, and Sage smiled. "Are you sure you guys are gonna be okay?" Adonis asked concernedly. They both nodded, and Adonis could nod back. They were in too deep now. "I'll be in and out of the vault once I find it—we aren't staying here for long."

They both shooed him away feverently. Adonis sneaked past the guards with his stealthy swiftness, and managed to get to the other side safely. He went down the hall and made 2 lefts when he saw the ginormous redstone powered door. (Did I forget to mention Wayne was on this mission, too?). They both stared at the intimidating door. "Evan, can you open this thing up?" Adonis said in his head, considering Evan was using telepathy to talk to the other members at a far distance. "I'm trying to open it up. Your eyes are kind of hazy for me, so I can't exactly tell what I'm dealing with."

Adonis was confused. "Are you sure you're not looking through Wayne's eyes?" He asked. "No, I specifically tapped into your mind. Give me a moment to process the image."

Adonis heard Evan making thinking noises. "Huh, that's odd. My calculations are correct, but when I try to power the redstone, it turns on but doesn't work.."

"The Hexcasters must've put a curse of binding on it," suggested Adonis. "That's the only thing I can think of." Evan made another noise. "That could be the case, but I thought you could only do that with items." "It could work on doors too, I'm sure, if the magic is strong enough," Adonis added.

"Whatever the case, I can't get through the door," sighed Evan. "...But what if Wayne can?"

Adonis turned to Wayne, who was looking off into the abyss. When he turned his head and saw Adonis staring, he said, "What?"

"Have you been practicing you're Silent Vibration power?" Adonis questioned. Wayne nodded slowly. "Can you use it on this door to make the lock unlock itself?"

Now Wayne nodded vigorously. "I've been waiting to do this for a while!" He said excitedly. He rubbed his hands together and walked up to the door. With one deep breath, his chest glowed an ominous blue, and he put his hands on the door. The door began to shake, causing Adonis to feel uneasy about the size of the lock. What if it fell and crushed them?

But they were fine, and the lock only clicked open and Wayne managed to push through to the entrance. "Woah!" Adonis marveled. "You did great, Wayne!" Wayne blushed, "Thanks, boss."

They both entered the gold covered vault. It was a marvelous scene, one filled with gold blocks galore. They shined in the shroomlight, glistening with it's glorious yellow and sheen.

"This is what we've been waiting for. All this gold makes me feel alive!" Said Adonis. Wayne nodded in agreement.

"Stack up, we have a lot of work to do." They both started to get down to business, both jubilant and ready to roll in the money.


And then a baritone voice that boomed throughout the vault declared—

"Enjoying the sight, aren't we? Not for long."

End of Chapter 4.

I hope you guys enjoyed that! Esie, it's time to fangirl again cuz I want to hear who all you guys are shipping in the comments below XD

Thanks for all your guys's love and support! See you in the next one!

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (147k points)

:thumbs up:

I don't ship anything except WoF dragons and my own OCs sorry haha

Still fandragoning tho :DD

by (526k points)
It's aight!

Still, you're enjoying it, so that's what matters!

0 votes
by (544k points)
My brain doesn't ship anyone
by (526k points)
Aww man. Well, I'm still glad you like it!

0 votes
Adonis and Wayne. . .There's something happening there *screechy excited queer noises*
by (526k points)
Hehheheeeeeeeee yus I kind of ship them, too

Most of my OCs do not have a definite sexuality so you can imagine them to be whatever you want :)

I wonder who to ship Preston with. Who do you ship Preston with?

by (544k points)
I agree
*thinks for a moment.* Idk. To be honest, I pictured Preston as aroace, but you're the writer!

But I hope I see more about those two!!!!

by (526k points)

I am editing this to ask what an aroace is?
Aromantic-aro and asexual-ace, it's combined to get aroace to stand for being both :)

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