+10 votes
in Fiction by (521k points)

Chapter 7: The Farewell

Adonis couldn't keep it together. He wanted to cry every step he took towards his base, the base that he built with all of his eleven friends. His family. His everything.

Wayne was leading the group this time. Adonis didn't feel right being the first one to walk in, so he had Wayne stay in front instead, as to not feel the immediate embarrassment. But that would not be able to help him wrap his square head around the round fact that he was going to be abandoning his team.

The other 3 that were going to be left behind were Hector Hex, his brother Heber and Zana. Hector and Heber were the sons of the hexer god Henos, and Zana was the daughter of the Zombie goddess Zera. Adonis had took them all under his wing when they were Winnie and Webner's age, when he was still 10, 4 years ago. Now they three were 12.

And Adonis knew that they wouldn't be able to stand a single day in Obsidian Fortress.

But the good thing was that if Adonis taught them anything, it was to be tough even when times are hardest. And Adonis had to follow his own wisdom.

He felt someone tap his shoulder, then. He turned his head to see that it was Sage, and she had a worried look about her. "You okay?" She asked quietly. Adonis nodded. "Just a little difficulty processing.." She pulled him in for an embrace, stopping both of them from continuing on their path. His eyes began to overflow with a river of tears, and it streamed down his face onto her shoulder.

Even though Adonis was too busy letting his emotions out, he could still feel someone's eyes on his back. One of the others were watching those two, but he didn't know who exactly. It couldn't have been Wayne, because he was ahead of them. And it couldn't have been Evan, because he was next to Wayne.

Who was it then?...

Sage let go of him after a few moments. She rustled his purplish-grey hair and ran back to catch up with the other two. Preston sluggishly carried on after her, his hands behind his back. Adonis was now in the back of the group. He watched the others walk in the distance, looking marvelous in the lingering sunset light. It was a truly beautiful scene, the rest of the crew being engulfed in this magnificent blend of shroomlight orange and light shades of yellow. The sun was in front of them, portraying the possibly very bright future ahead.

He felt a sense of peace overwhelm him. He saw Evan turn around.

"You coming?"

Adonis sighed and his lip upturned on the side a bit, giving off a smirk.

"Yeah, wait for me!"

Once they met the entrance of the base, Adonis took a million deep breaths before turning around to his crew. Well, a million may be an exaggeration. Or maybe not.

"Okay, does it really matter who opens the entrance first?" He asked hastily. They all shook their heads no, and Adonis nodded, slamming his hand on the button. The entrance looked astonishing as always, opening up in it's intricate way. Adonis was not paying attention to this though, as he was trying to figure out how to relay this tragic situation to the rest of his team.

Once the entrance had fully opened, they all went through the long tunnel that led to the once difficult code pad. As Adonis put the code in, he had a terrible thought cross his mind. His stopped midway of entering the code.

"Evan," he said, turning to him. "Yes?" Evan answered softly. "What if Igor and his goons raid our base? We'll have nothing to go back to!"

"Adonis, we don't have the direct ability to stop him from doing that anymore. But even if he tried, how would he find a base as hidden as ours?" Adonis thought about that for a moment. "He raided Pharren's base. You know, the treasoner who allowed the invasion of those heroes to occur. He also let the mobs go out of control and almost kill Igor. They found Pharren's base and griefed it out of existence!"

"We've never done anything as bad as what he did. Igor would have no reason to punish us like that."

Adonis wanted to say something else, but just then, Winnie came downstairs to greet all of them. "There you guys are! We've been worried sick about you 6! Don't ever do that again, guys, seriously!" She lectured. Adonis gulped. "Uhh, yeah, we won't. Listen Winnie, go get your brother. We have something to tell you guys."

"Is it about how we're gonna move out of this dump and go somewhere where the weather's nice and the living conditions are even better?" She asked, her eyes getting bigger every syllable. Preston shook his head but didn't say anything. "Listen, just go get him, alright?" Said Sage, getting a little irritated.

Winnie rolled her eyes and ran back upstairs. When she came back, she was dragging Webner by the arm. "I WAS PLAYING A GAME, WINNIE—" he whined loudly. "THE GAME CAN WAIT, WEBNER! THIS SOUNDS IMPORTANT!" She replied even louder.

Wayne was shaking his head and massaging his eyes. Adonis was growing consistently impatient and finally shouted, "GUYS! STOP BICKERING AND LISTEN!"

The twins quieted down within a nanosecond. Now Adonis slicked back his hair, sighing. "We're gonna have to leave this place." Winnie's smile grew very large then. "But not because we completed the mission. We failed and got caught... We're being sent to Diamon in the morning."

Then her smile collapsed quickly from her face. "W-what? What do you mean? No, no, that can't be right. You're joking, obviously!"

"We're not joking," said Maxine. Adonis was startled, he forgot she was even there. Webner started to cry, and Winnie hugged him close. "We're leaving our home? ... But you promised! Y-YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T GET CAUGHT!" She screamed.

"Shh! Do you want everyone to hear you?!" Adonis hushed. 

"Too late."

Winnie looked behind her to see Hector, with his brother, and Zana. "Hi Hector... When did you—" began Adonis. "Save it," Hector interrupted. "We heard everything. You're abandoning us to go to the golden land, huh?"

"We're not abandoning you at all!" Said Preston feebly. "We don't want to, we just have to.. You know what it is..." Hector shot a nasty look at Preston, who quickly looked down. "So what do we have to pack then, eh?" Hector surveyed once more. "W-well, uhm... You three can't go.." Adonis admitted. Hector scoffed and turned to the other two. "See? They just lied to our faces, saying they weren't abandoning us. We can't even go with them!"

Zana shook her head, "We can't believe you guys!" She shouted. "Like we said before, we aren't abandoning anyone!" Evan interjected. "We got caught by the President and are being punished by him to go to Diamon! The only reason we aren't bringing you is because there is an 8 delinquent limit! We don't make the rules!"

"You may not be able to control the government, but you guys sure slacked off on being able to control whether or not you got caught!" Hector bashed. Evan bit his lip, probably to keep from saying something vulgar. Adonis tried to help everyone calm down, but he heard a deep and loud voice shout.


It was Wayne. He had been holding his ears the whole time they were arguing. "All of you! I've had enough! We used to be friends, all 11 of us. We can't let this break us apart! And if you can't see that we didn't have a choice, Hector, Heber and Zana, then maybe you guys should leave this place, too! There's already a good chance the government's gonna raid this place anyway!"

Everyone was quiet and silently embarrassed. Wayne was right, about everything. If something like this was going to break them apart, and 8 of them couldn't do anything about it, then the other three and them would just have to part ways. "So this is the end of the Blackstone Crew?" Heber piped up. "Yeah, I guess so," Hector answered, sounding ignorant still.

Zana had her arms crossed. There was no mending now.

"Come on Winnie and Webner. Let us in so we can start packing," Sage commanded. The twins let them in and the other three gathered on the side as if the opposing 8 had Null's disease.

Once they got done packing upstairs, they all headed back downstairs and outside of the entrance. As they were out, Preston called to the three, "Goodbye!" Hoping for a more positive response, but failing as Hector replied, "Good riddance!" And hexed the entrance closed, making a slamming sound as it did.

Preston sniffed, and Adonis felt horrible for him. "Those were fake friends, Pres. They never truly liked us anyway."

"It's not that... I just liked hanging out with them when you guys were busy. Hector's so cool... We were beginning to be best friends. At least... At least I thought that..."

Adonis took him in under his arm, and the rest of the crew also came in for a group hug with Preston. "I thought that too," Whispered Adonis.

"I thought that too."

End of 7

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Lemme know what you all think!

I don't really know what to put here soo...

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes
by (540k points)
It is getting extremely tense.

I think this is better than mine btw
by (521k points)
No, I still think yours is awesomesauce!

It dies down a bit somewhere down the line. I can't help but make my stories intense. I don't mean to, it just happens. Sorry!
by (540k points)
I'm not complaining
by (521k points)
Oh, okay then!
0 votes
I'm sad, but at the same time OHMYGOSH. THAT WAS SO GOOD.
by (521k points)
Thank you! I'm honored!

And sorry for the sad aspect, again, like I told MCN, I can't help but make my stories a little depressing. But I am working on making everything happier in some way!

:D. It works for the story!
by (521k points)
Thank you!!!


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