+11 votes
in Fiction by (526k points)

Chapter 10: The Nether

Adonis wondered why it was such a hassle to get to the portal. "I don't get it. Getting up the barrier was hard enough, now we have to walk square miles across it to get to the portal?"

"Like we said earlier, we don't want the Badlanders to go rogue and get inside the portal by crossing the barrier. We are taking every measure we can to prevent that from happening," replied Shera blankly. She glanced from behind her and into Adonis' eyes. "It's only a matter of time before they do."

Adonis growled as he thought about how discriminatory these people were, sitting on their high-horse because they grew up in a privileged community whilst they let their opposites rot. It wasn't fair, even they knew it. And yet they sit here making sly comments about Badlands kind?

They seemed to be almost at the end of where the barrier cuts off to meet the ocean. It was a hanger, for sure. Adonis had to put his hands out to stop the other members from falling or accidentally pushing him in. "Seriously? We're at the end of the barrier and still no portal?" Sage commented, seeming to fill every word with an enraged tone. "Don't get ahead of yourself," said Shawn warningly. "We hid it very well, so commoners here wouldn't see it. Of course, if they had a hexcaster or more with them, they would be able to see.."

He picked up a block and threw it at what revealed itself to be a gigantic nether portal, near the size of 10 ghasts (from what Adonis has heard about those mobs). Shawn smirked and turned to the crew. He finished his sentence softly, "This."

Everyone gazed at the glorious, but so every ominous, portal. Adonis saw that it reminded him of what Evan's eyes were like. Speaking of Evan, Adonis turned to look at him and was surprised to see of stone expression. "Not very amusing. I've done a lot of research on portals like this, it doesn't change what you see behind them. Same old dimension." 

"Well then, let's go in!" Said Shera enthusiastically. She went in first, followed by her brother and the twins. Adonis was a little hesitant, but as he pondered the idea he saw Preston rush past him and straight inside the portal. "Wait for me!" Said Sage as she ran after him. Adonis was a little afraid. He'd never been in a portal. What did it feel like?

He knew he shouldn't have been reluctant. If the others were so fearless, why wasn't he?

Evan leisurely made his way towards the portal. He turned to Adonis, the purple glow reflecting on him in the now dark night. It made him look cool, to be honest, and very menacing at the same time. "Are you guys coming?" He asked. There was a bit if a delay to Adonis' answer. But eventually he squeaked out a "Yeah."

Evan nodded and calmly walked inside with his hands behind his back. He wasn't scared at all, it seemed.

Now it was just Adonis and Wayne. "You go first," he told Wayne, to enough Wayne replied, "I'm half blind, how do I know there's not just a bunch of lava two blocks in?"

"Because there are people inside waiting for you!" Adonis urged. "Actually, they're waiting for you, boss." Adonis was getting angry. "JUST GO IN, FOR THE LOVE OF HEROBRINE!" He boomed, making Wayne stumble in anyways. Adonis scoffed and built up the courage to (very hesitantly) make his way inside the portal.

It was a little trippy, as he started to get nauseous as soon as he touched the purple static. It went dark for a moment..

And then he opened his eyes, gasping for any clean air, though it burned his lungs at first. He wanted to throw up all of the blocks in the universe, something nobody warned him about when he decided he wanted to go in.

After a few seconds, the burning feeling was gone and he started to feel more... Energetic, oddly enough. Like he drank some sort of strength potion, but a times ten version.

He looked around to find his friends (and the escorts, obviously) staring at him in an, "Are you okay, dude?" look. It made him feel utterly embarrassed, and he quickly got himself together. "First time," Shera said quietly. "Anyways, we only have a certain amount of time before the shield breaks. We need to go."

And then they continued their journey, Through The Nether.


I had a lot of stuff to do.

Well here it is! Hope you enjoyed!

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes
by (544k points)
I love it!

Some of the things in it are things only nerds ( like me) would find funny ( Yes that's a good thing)
by (526k points)
What are those things, if you don't mind me asking? I'd love to hear!

I'm glad you love it! It really means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying this so much!


by (544k points)
For the love of Herobrine and Notch being the savior
by (526k points)

0 votes

XD I sound like one of those drama Youtubers.
Also yeah, it's a perfect balance between good storytelling, seriousness, and slight humor. I was obsessing over Adonis and Wayne, sorry.
by (526k points)



by (526k points)
Also thank you! I'm trying to get in more humour but for some reason my stories always turn out so serious or dark. Maybe you could teach me how to add some things!

Also I was thinking about doing separate posts doing bloopers (as if this book was a live movie or show it something) to add some more humour to it. What do ya think?

Again, I love your feedback! You and the others are the reason why I keep going with these stories! I love to hear your guys' replies!


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