+5 votes
in Personal by (154k points)
Not as serious as the title lol

I really want to get Genshin Impact. All my other games are boring and I am responsible and old enough. I have never been able to have popular games like Fortnite, Roblox or Among Us. And Genshin is pretty popular. I’m trying REALLY HARD to try and get it.

I asked my parents if I could have it like 3 months ago. My mom said to talk to my dad and my dad said that theres inappropriate clothing so I probably don’t want it. So I just agreed. LOOKING AT IT, though, it doesn’t seem as inappropriate as most anime games. Girls don’t have as revealing clothing and massive curves (I THINK)

I asked again today and my dad has no memory of the last time I asked. He says he has to check with my mom about it and research it to make sure it’s okay.


sorry this is long rip

**Update: I got the game. It’s like some sort of version of legend of zelda lol. My parents are strict so if they are saying yes I’m assuming it’s a good game**

3 Answers

0 votes
I dont play Genshin, but honestly, if I were you, I just wouldn't get the game. This is just my opinion and what I've heard here, but the game is full of very toxic and rude people. It does include a lot of revealing clothing and some characters are more...yknow...

Its also for like 16 or 17 year olds, Im pretty sure (I could be wrong, my memory is bad). From what I've heard: The fanbase is toxic, the players tend to do nasty and disturbing things, and overall its a really horrible environment and place to play.

But if you really want the game, then I reccomend maybe being extra nice and doing extra chores (if you have chores) around the house. Then maybe you could ask again.

Good luck :D

- Dino
by (154k points)
The characters I did think looked slightly clad in some cases but its mostly just short shorts and slight chest reveal. Compared to every other anime game, the girls don’t seem to have overs**ualized pieces. It may be just a little weirder but I don’t actually know. Also, I’m pretty sure I can’t interact with people without sharing my code, but I’ll watch for it. Thanks for this! *gives cookie*
0 votes
by (1.1k points)
Genshin doesn’t have extremely short clothes, but a few characters (like Lisa, for example) have small shorts and etc, but there’s other games REALLY worse.

It’s a good game but there are others who don’t occupy much space in your phone and are easier to play. I played Genshin until very recently and my family approved, so yeah
by (154k points)
Alright! I do see it occupies a lot of space, though I use an ipad and have about 100 gigabytes (or whatever that is lol) remaining, soooo…

Thanks! *gives cookie*
by (1.1k points)
Your ipad should run Genshin very well, just be careful so it’s temperature isn’t very high :DD‼️
0 votes
by (544k points)
TRY MINECRAFT if you can't. And don't you dare say it is boring!
by (154k points)
I love Minecraft! I used to be obsessed with it like a year ago. It seriously isn’t boring. Minecraft haters are weird.

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