+5 votes
in Venting by
Hey everyone!

This is going to be a bit of a depressing post, im sorry.

So anyway, yesterday I was on call with my friend J for like 5 hours (thats normal for us lol) and he was talking about how we were gonna hang out the next day, aka today. I was supposed to go over to his house and another one of our friends, K, was also supposed to be there. We hang up and I am really excited. A few hours later, J texts me saying "Hey ____! I don't think you can come tomorrow. Sorry, nothing personal, we just can't pick you up sadly" (they were supposed to pick me up and take me to his place to hang out).

Anyway, I was disappointed but just said okay, because things happen and its no big deal. He's still one of my best friends.

So today I open social media cause one of my favorite creators posted and I start scrolling. I see J's account and he is posting videos with K and another friend. He told me we couldn't hang out today but he is hanging with our other friends. That literally hurt me so badly and I just started crying. Im not a dramatic person, and I rarely cry, but the way he just ditched me to hang out with our other friends hurt so badly.

So I comment "oh" on his post and he replies with "what?". I just don't know how he sees nothing wrong with what he's doing. Either that or im just being annoying and attention seeking.

 Idk, I feel like im being overdramatic. I feel like I shouldn't be this upset over something as small as hanging out, but it really hurt. Anyone got some advice? Also im sorry this isn't as cheerful or happy as my other posts, Im just having a really bad day.

- Dino
Block him on social media and Facebook and also your not being dramatic. And start hanging with a different boy.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (526k points)
Best answer
If he doesn't wanna hang out with you it's his loss.

How about you hang out with a separate friend group and do the same to him? He'll be getting a taste of his own medicine.

Or you don't even have to have a different friend group, just say you can't hang out with him but then do something really, really fun without him!

Anyways, make him regret the decision to ditch you like that. NU MERCYYYYYYY—

0 votes
by (64.3k points)
Trust me, I know the type. J is just messing with your personality. You should tell J how you feel in person.

That's all the advice I got! Tell me how it goes!
0 votes
You're not overdramatic, and it makes total sense that you're upset and hurt.That is so rude. Could J have at least told you why they didn't invite you? Talk through it with them. Maybe tell K that it upset you and ask them to have a talk with both you and J (it is something that is more between you and J, but having K there might make it easier). Tell J how that made you feel and why you didn't like it. Ask why they got rid of your original plans to hang out with someone (I'm pretty sure you said you were friends with this other person) instead of inviting them along with you as well. This isn't nice, and make sure J knows that.

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