+3 votes
in Other by
This is a good app but I found some problems.

I use this app for a long time, but,

First of all, we all teenagers need to remember that some kids also use this app. But in this app, so many people are using bad words in the KidzTalk. So, we are teenagers, we understand, A lot of kids use KidzTalk. If we use bad words here, the kids will also learn the bad words and use them. But, if kids keep using bad words, one day their parents will complain about this app. And one day, the KidzTalk will be banned because of all the bad reviews. So, we should never use bad words. If we use, this app can be banned.

2 Answers

0 votes
Bad words? I'm not KT and I'm not going to pretend that im an expert in the field, but this site is safe for everyone.

KT monitors each post and comment and makes sure it is safe and family-friendly for everyone. If there are bad words or inappropriate topics, then you would probably have to contact the site about that.

- Dino
They're talking about things like period questions, me saying omnisexual in a post, and I think you saying the word sexuality and same-gender in the same sentence. I don't see a problem with it.
+2 votes
by (348k points)
Hi Clara,

We can assure you that no adult language (bad words) are allowed on KidzTalk. Every post, answer, and comment is carefully reviewed by people who work with us. If you see something that you feel is inappropriate, please provide the link, or words that offended you by replying back to us.

Actually, I did found some bad words. I don't know the name, but someone talked about memes and said that its a *************** meme. In that question's details, there are a lot a lot bad words as well. And some questions are like "only girls no boys" and in those questions, there are some words that kids shouldn't read. Also, when people in KidzTalk talk about politics, its also kinda inappropriate when they talk about ********* in the subject "Politics".

So, I really need some help about these inappropriate and bad words are in the details section of KidzTalk.
by (348k points)
Please give us specific details, like the actual term. Even better would be to copy/paste the link with the issue for you. We won't actually publish it if it's truly a bad word, which would be very surprising, since we screen everything. However, we will review it and take action if needed.
Ok, the person who wrote bad word is

' Dino's Blog ' and the title of his question is -

" I'm scared | Dino's Blog | Political "

And he wrote a very bad word at like the 4th part or 5th part of his writing. The last word of the 4th or 5th part. That is the bad word.

Also, in some places, some people give tags like

Only girls no boys

And inside that question details,they write some bad words(not actually called bas words, they are called inappropriate words to use in public).

You may search as ' only girls no boys' then you will find some bad words in the details of the question.
by (348k points)
Sorry, but we did not find any bad words in that post. Please give the specific sentence that bothered you.
It said-

'same gender sexuality'

This was the bad, inappropriate word.

Please do something! Its a bad word please do something
by (154k points)
“Sexuality” is not a bad word, though I can see why you might think. “Sex” can also mean gender. “Sexuality” means like the attraction towards a gender someone has. If someone had a “same gender sexuality,” they could possibly be gay or lesbian, or even nonbinary loving nonbinary (I don’t know the label). It isn’t a bad word at all.

Also, sometimes kids need to talk about whats happening to their bodies! The words aren’t bad, just more.. looked down upon by society due to the… uh… secrecy of it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Kidzsearch wouldn’t allow them if they thought they were bad.
by (954k points)

Dude, that’s an LGBTQ+ term. It’s not referring to… uh… the stuff. It basically means that that person feels attraction towards another person of the same gender.

And plus, omnisexual (what I think you censored) basically means you feel attraction towards every gender but with a preference. If it referred to the stuff, KS wouldn’t allow it. But it doesn’t, so boom. It’s not a bad word.

As for politics, I dunno what you were tryna say.

It isn't a bad word, it just describes attraction.
by (526k points)
I think this girl just needs to be educated more on this stuff. She's a little confused.




YOU GUYS....!!!
We are being polite :)
by (526k points)
Yup. We're trying to help.

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