+3 votes
in Other by (68.7k points)
So I have gastritis its where you have stress in your stomach. I went to the er last night. This morning I went to the town doctor and he said I should go to a gi ( its a stomach doctor ). To get a scope (that means they look in your stomach while your asleep). And I have to use the BRAT diet for a few days so I'm not nauseas.

Broth/ soup

Rice/ mashed potatoes ( bland)

1/2 a cup applesauce/ 1/2 a banana

Toast ( no butter )

That's the BRAT diet also I can't have any foods with any type of acid including  citric acid.

Has anyone else ever had gastritis or a scope I need support I'm scared

4 Answers

0 votes
by (68.7k points)
Kid talk pls delete thus
by (345k points)
+1 vote
by (154k points)
What do you mean by stress in your stomach? I don’t have eating issues like that but I do have these things called “abdominal migraines” where basically I get a stomachache thats actually a headache. Very confusing indeed. I know it’s not too related but I do have “stomach issues” sorta.

I’m sorry you have to go through this though. It doesn’t sound fun! At least it’s only a few days of that food. I like all that food though and don’t have that issue so you know.. I dunno if I can relate. Still sorry bout that, though.
by (950k points)
I eat too much, so my stomach gets upset often. It’s happening less often nowadays.
0 votes
Don't worry, you'll be okay I'm sure!

My dad had something similar happen when he got cancer in the back of his throat. He had to have his throat cut open and the cancer lump removed, and afterwards he could only eat jello/pudding, mashed potatos, etc.

Think of it this way, YOU GET TO EAT A TON OF APPLESAUCE


I luv applesauce :D

(Anyway, I'm one million percent positive it will be ok! I know its scary, but afterwards it will be so much better. Good luck :)

- Dino
0 votes
by (541k points)

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