+9 votes
in Min3craft nerd's Minecraft club by (541k points)

I found out I am horrible at coding. ( in JavaScript and python)

I will never work for Mojang.


Welp... Guess I could always be a MC youtuber or minecraft fanfic writer.

But I WILl never stop my dream of working for them. 

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (111k points)
Best answer
NEVER GIVE UP ON UR DREAM!! being a coder is like dancing. It takes practice. And patience. (I would know. I'm a 10yo dancer. been dancing for six years.)
ago by (106k points)
You also need a brain that isn't rotten and shriveled from an addiction...
0 votes
ago by (106k points)
You should start out by learning scratch and learn about the basics of coding like functions and loops. Then move onto a simple language like python or JS.
ago by (541k points)
I tried taking a coding  class in 9th grade. I hated it. Here's the thing my brain reads what I want to be there not what's actually there
0 votes
ago by
Maybe just practice! And mc uses Java and C++, Java for JE, and C++ for BE
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
Keep trying maybe learn unfl or c++ the try to learn java script again I used to make fortnite maps on unfl
0 votes
by (130k points)
aw man thats sad. My brother wants to be a MC youtuber, like, so much. You would be a great youtuber and an amazing writer!!!!

Fun fact: my brother was in an MC yt video!
by (541k points)
my parents won't let me be in any till I'm 18+
by (949k points)
But what if you accidentally appear in one? Like when your avatar and username is seen when a YouTuber plays a game (example: SkyWars on Hypixel) while recording?
by (541k points)
I assume that's ok. Bc it was accidental. Besides it's not like they would hear my voice ( or see my real avatar ( I'm pretty sure all servers have a randomly given skin)) so its ok.
by (949k points)
You use your own Minecraft skin everywhere. But they don’t hear your voice.
by (541k points)
Not on hive
by (949k points)
You can use your own skin on The Hive. I do that.

They replace skins made using Character Creator with Steve (with a yellow shirt) though.
ago by
I think I saw my freind in a famous YouTubers video, and she was tortured in that vid!
+1 vote
by (949k points)
Aw man. That's a pity. A lot.

Also, being a YouTuber isn’t a stable job since very few channels earn money from YouTube. Being a fan fiction writer IS stable, though.
by (126k points)
Also YouTube is dying now. I don’t think it’s gonna last another ten years honestly. Be lucky for five years.
by (541k points)


my videos may save youtube!
by (949k points)

YouTube is definitely not dead, but it is slowly losing popularity. Here’s a graph:

YouTube’s peak popularity was from October 2009 to May 2010. Then, there was a drop from June 2010 to December 2011, when there was a spike in popularity. A second drop occurred from January 2012 to December 2012, and since the beginning of 2013, YouTube has been slowly losing popularity.

It’s not dead though, which is good.

by (126k points)
Oh, just give it time, Elo.

Just give it time.
by (949k points)
Like what? 20 years?
by (126k points)
I  bet ten.


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