+10 votes
in Important Studios by (523k points)

This is not funny. If you are an impostor reading this, or thinking about becoming one, doing that isn't just fun and games. It can ruin people's lives online and off.

I just want to clarify that I'm not leaving anytime soon, I hope KS understands this, my parents are perfectly fine with this site and I just got permission to be back on a few months ago.

If you are the person who is my impostor, you do not know how much it means to me to have friends like this on here. When I clicked on the post that you made, and saw it was from "nobodyimportant", I just about had ten different attacks all at once.

I always had the thought of someone faking as me in the back of my mind. It was like my worst fear came true.

You need to stop. Seriously.

This was today's important post. 

PS. You do not know someone's mental state. If they feel like they are losing their identity, friends, whole entire online life, they can do harm to others or themselves. This is a serious situation that should not be messed around with. I just calmed myself down from this.

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (1.34m points)
Best answer
Very glad you're not leaving, but I would seriously consider registering for an account at this point since you're a very active user, and having an account will help prevent situations like this from happening again.
by (523k points)
About that, I don't think I'll be able to get an actual account for a bit.

The whole reason why I had to leave last year was because I was on here without permission, and I just got permission a few months ago, so...

I'm not sure if my parents would make an account for me so soon. Not until I've been on here for a fairly long while, at least.

Thank you for your concern, it really means a lot coming from the legend of KT himself :D

by (1.34m points)
That's fair. If you've already got permission to use the platform, I would just bring it up with your parents later on and tell them that having an account will prevent others from pretending to be you. Then, you can ask Kidzsearch to link all your anonymous posts to your account so you can easily find all your content.
by (523k points)
Yeah, I'll definitely do that!

Thank you so much for being so kind enough to me during this (short but) crazy time. It really means a lot to me :D
by (1.34m points)

No problem. regular_smile

+1 vote
by (949k points)
That’s just hardcore. Also, would making new identities count? (As in people not already on KidzTalk) Because I sometimes do that. I don’t impersonate anyone though.
by (523k points)
Well, that wouldn't be impersonating anyone. You can have alt accounts!

I was just angry because someone was impersonating me. That is one of my worst fears...
+1 vote
I agree with you, Nobi. Its not funny and its not a joke. Impersonating someone is serious and its not to be taken lightly. If you are Nobi's impersonator reading this, then you are a horrid person for doing that. Its not a joke. I don't get what you thought you were accomplishing by pretending to be Nobi, but all you did was make yourself look absolutely stupid.

What did you think would happen? The real Nobi wouldn't speak up against you? Its not a joke, it really isnt. You never know what people have to deal with behind their screens; in the real world. Nobody has time to deal with your little games. Were you that bored?

To the impersonator and anyone else out there who is considering being one or is one: Dont. Apologize. Its not a joke and nobody finds it funny. I know I am probably going a bit overboard with this, but I don't really care. There have been too many impersonators lately and its not cool. Just be yourself.

- Dino (he/they/xe)
by (523k points)
No, you're not going overboard. It took a lot out of me trying to keep my chill during that whole charade. I'm glad you know it's not me, and even now Pumpkin knows it's not me, so I can calm down a bunch now.

Thank you for understanding, Dino :)
Oh good to know! Im just sorry you have to deal with these people. Theres no excuse for it.

Anytime, love you Nobi :)

- Dino wants an apology (he/they/xe)


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