+6 votes
in Personal by (13.7k points)

So I think I’m gender fluid…. But I’m not sure, so, I’ll give my circumstances and you tell me

  1. I was born a girl, but I want to be a boy, but I feel stupid for thinking that sometimes. I also feel like I’m neither.
  2. I want my hair to be short and get upset that it looks horrible long
  3. I just stay as a girl to make others happy, but I want to be different.
  4. I always hide how I feel.
  5. I want more boyish clothes, but I don’t want to tell my mom.

And I did say I found a nickname, but it feels to girlish, but I loved the ones you guys said, but if you can think of any that start with J I would like it :)

You could be a demiboy?

And for J names.

*evil laughter*

Jay/Jaye, Jamie/Jaime, January, Jasper/Jaspen, Jackie, July.

If you want more, I have. . .way too many.
by (1.2k points)

Did you say January and you forgot Jordan..


I think you should tell your mom.

Here's 2  names for you: Jane or Jill. (Sorry I couldn't think of more names).

3 Answers

0 votes
I agree with WN. You sound like a demiboy. Demiboys are people who only identify as PARTIALLY male.

You also could be genderfluid, like you said. I reccomend doing more research on both and seeing if either of them fit you. Also, maybe you could open up to your mum about clothes? As her for some more gender-neutral or more masculine clothing. You could also consider getting a shorter hair cut if it makes you feel more comfortable.

Remember, we can't tell you what you are, but we can and will 100% support you. Everyone on KT has your back no matter what you identify as.

- Dino wants his apology but he's not getting it >:l (he/they/xe)
by (13.7k points)
I’m still laughing at the apology that you’ll never get part. Anyway thx
0 votes
by (111k points)
i think u should open up about ur feelings like asking ur mom to go clothes shopping and then looking at the boy clothes instead of the girls. Also, if u want short hair, just get short hair. or, while u have long hair, pull it in a bun and cover up the bun with a hat or smthg. Then u can try out the look. Also, ask ur hair stylist/barber to have short hair. u have to ask ur mom first. the hair stylist shouldnt need approval from ur mom.
0 votes
by (28.8k points)
Jade,Jace,JC (Jaycee), Jayden,Jack,Jake,Joseph,Jane,Jax,Jet,Jaya

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