+6 votes
in Venting by (111k points)

so im in this trip group. me and two other toxic friends of mine. Let me show u.


pros: gives fashion advice, thinks of me as sis (smh)

cons: (oh boy get ready) makes fun of my clothes, makes me a third wheel, expects me to laugh off everything, expects me to have a phone and tik tok, thinks i can wear makeup and exposing clothes that im not aloud to wear, bossy, texts me 24/7 and thinks i will answer right away, (im that friend who doesnt answer until like a few hours later or the next day) wouldnt get a clue if it hit her in the head


pros: fashion sense, understands more

cons: kinda an animal, rude, dramatic, a clone of E, im fed up with her

what do i do? i start school on august 31st. idk what to say when E comes up to me to say hi. i hope we arnt in the same class! im thing abt just ignoring them until they realize that i dont wanna be friends.

by (111k points)
bro y did they change threesome to trip x_x
by (13.7k points)

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