+4 votes
in Adi's Rants by (111k points)

DISCLAIMER: I won't reveal any names for privacy reasons. Instead, I will use different names.

1. Christina: She is my only true best friend I don't wanna dump her.

2. Anna: She is a therian and hangs out with Fiona and Kaitlyn (These are obvi not their real names) at recess, the other therians in my friend group.

3. Fiona: Obsessed with dragon puppets and also a therian.

4. Kaitlyn: A furry and therian, also never pays attention and is always tryna talk to people.

5. Hailey: Obsessed with wolves and dragon puppets.

I get uncomfortable around therians, because they act like animals. I feel it's weird. However, I don't hate on them. Please don't take that the wrong way.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (514k points)
Best answer

That's hard.

Finding the right friends can be a hard decision. Especially if they've been your friend for a while and all of the sudden hang our with girls or boys you don't approve of.

You can always talk to me on private chat. 

And I know one thing, even if you end up with no friends, you will ALWAYS have me, and your kt friends.


I'm always here.


by (116k points)
She wants to dump her fiends because they are therians
by (514k points)
0 votes
by (116k points)
Why was my answer hidden when it was the truth
by (514k points)
I did not tell hyude to hide it ya know.

If u want it go ask hyude I dont want my account bamned so im not.

I did not ask him pizza I'm sorry for hurting u


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