+4 votes
in Polls by (17.5k points)
My brother had zoom class. He showed me in the camera to my gym teacher, and then my teacher yelled at me when it was not my fault. But he didn't listen to me.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (58.1k points)
Best answer

Hi!I haven’t tried this but it might work.If you have any device(something small like a phone)and put it in your pocket and let it record all day.And if you’re brother says something rude you can stay quiet and listen.At the end of the day show your parents and they will listen to you.I can relate because I have a older brother.Thanks and let me know if it worksyay

by (17.5k points)
It did. Thanks!
+1 vote
by (587k points)
I know it's late but, that was so mean an unfair. Did you tell your parents?
+1 vote
Why don't you tell him\her exactly what you told us and if he\she doesn't believe you then tell that to type parents or any other adult that will believe you and stand up for you.
thank you, but my adults are too helpless.
by (52.7k points)

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