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So I met this girl on the internet today. I've made a bunch of friends on the internet before and we have facetimed. they're all within my age range so we have fun together.

As I said, I met this new girl. She was really nice and we facetimed, so I know she's not an adult or lying about her age. We were having fun the whole time. Now before you say that I trust people too quickly on the internet, I dont. I always get info from these people and keep a mask on in the call until I know I can trust them.

So this girl started messaging me later and kind of being flirty. Mind you I had only known her for like, a day at this point! she was being very very odd. She said I had a very pretty voice and wanted to call again so she could hear it. She also just kept calling me handsome and pretty. I was really weirded out but she's the same age as me so I didn't think much of it. I know a bunch of people who are flirty like that in a platonic way so its kinda normal I thougjt. Then she asked me to be her partner.

I had only known this girl for a few hours and we had only face timed for a short bit. I was very weirded out by the fact that she would even say that to me, but I thought it was a joke so I said yes. Apparently it wasn't a joke and now we are together? But I don't even like her. I don't even KNOW her that well. I have known her for a few mere hours. Its uncomfortable for me to continue talking to her now because she just seems to think was are in a long distance relationship.

I have friends who are kind of romantic with people all the time, but nothing like this. Its just a bit creepy to me. What do I do? I don't want to ditch her or break her heart, and if I block her she will know. Help!!

1 Answer

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by (1.34m points)
Best answer
Don't let anyone pressure you into a relationship you don't want to be a part of!

Tell her how you feel now and explain everything, just as you just told us. If she can't accept that, then it's her problem. If she can't respect your decision, I'd block her, but try to salvage the situation first.

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