+7 votes
in Dino's Blog by
Hey everyone!

This is gonna be kinda personal and has to do with LGBTQIA+ topics, so uh youve been warned ig lol.

So I used to think I was genderfluid, but now I'm wondering if I'm also non-binary. Like I feel like my gender is fluid but I also feel like it tends to fluctuate outside of the gender binary a lot. Idk if that makes sense xD.

I googled if you could be non binary and gfluid and Google didn't really give me a straight answer. It said yes, but I got no explanation for it.

Idk, you all know a lot more about this stuff than I do, so help?

(Also its been a year since Techno's risen to take on the kingdom of god, and I'm not religious, but if techno is god then I guess I am xd)

Bye googlies :)

- Dino

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (951k points)
Best answer


Anyways, I go here: https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIA%2B_Wiki (It’s a very helpful resource)

Genderfluid: someone whose gender changes over time. A genderfluid person can identify as any gender (including non-binary) or a combination of genders. However, the intensity doesn’t change.

Genderflux: someone whose intensity of their gender changes over time. For example, if a genderflux person who is AFAB feels might feel completely female one week, then genderless the next week, and then partially female the week after that. (The gender doesn’t change)

Fluidflux: basically a combination of genderfluid and genderflux. (Both the gender and intensity change)

by (524k points)

What's the bad thing that happened?
by (951k points)
Uh, I forgot what happened on June 30 this year, but there’s this June 30 curse in Minecraft history.

2021: Minecraft Earth gets shut down,

2022: Technoblade lost a PvP battle. (Y’all know what I’m actually talking about)

2023: It happened on June 29, but I forgot already.
0 votes
Dude! Are we seriously talking about this? The one and only God made us in his own image. He created us male and female. THERE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE.
by (154k points)
Oh boy, here we go again…

There is indeed male and female, but gender is different from biological sex. Your gender is more of a way you express yourself SOCIALLY. BIOLOGICAL SEX is COMPLETELY different than gender.

There are also many other gods believed in, and sometimes, no god at all. Just like Brahman or… I don’t know, Zeus and whatnot! How can you be sure God created it at all? Not trying to go against your religion, I am just saying there are other gods out there each with its own believers. Also, not everyone is going to agree with the same thing you believe in. Trying to use that as a reason doesn’t really do much.

Also, people who are intersex exist, in case you didn’t know. They have a mix of both male and female chromosomes and such. And they were born that way! So…
by (524k points)
These people seem to ignore the fact that people with both female and male parts exist.
0 votes
There's something called genderflux. It's similar, but different. And you can be multiple genders at the same time. And that does include non binary. I can't help much, but I can help? (That made no sense, sorry-) I offer you full support.


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