+2 votes
in Art & Music Contests by

Hey everyone! 

Just here to update y'all about the art contest I am hosting, called Dino's Art War. So far we have only a few entries (theyre awesome btw, everyone on here are such good artists) so you know what time it is! 

*music* Upping the stakes along with self promotion! 

If you didn't see my last post about the art war, I reccomend you look at it quick or else this next portion won't make much sense, but do whatever you want. Anyway, I said previously that the winners all got shoutouts and that 1st place got a drawing, but now I'm upping the stakes in order for more users to participate. 

Now, im making it so that all the top 3 winners get a drawing of themselves (or whatever else they may want as long as its something I can do) and a shoutout! 

Come on people, show us what you got! (Do I sound desperate enough yet? xD

- Dino

1 Answer

0 votes
I want to enter, but I have difficulty getting images in, it doesn't work :(
Oh no! I upload images of my art by hitting "upload" then tapping the "camera" button. I take a photo and once I am happy with it, I hit the check mark/ok button and hit "send to server" and it uploads. Then I adjust the length and width to my liking and hit "ok".

Thats just how I do it. It might be different for you though.

- Dino
I just tried it on a new post, but it didn't have the camera button. Thanks for helping, though!
Aw dang! Ofc, anytime.

Luv ya!

- Dino

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