+6 votes
in Fiction by (154k points)

Chapter 1

The shed was silent when Rei walked in.

The hole in the roof of the shed let in sunlight, giving her blue hair a ghostly glow. Her face was scratched up, and her clothes were ripped, and her olive skin was slightly sunburned.

She sat in the corner of the gloomy shed and zipped up her jacket. The wind was blowing hard, and her shelter had little protection when it came to the cold weather. A buzzing sound came from inside her backpack.

Rei opened her backpack and took out an old, shattered phone. She answered the call. “Hello?” she said.

“Rei!” Her friends voice was rushed and shuddery, but sounded much more relieved knowing she was on the other end of the phone.

He was running from a horror, and he was praying that this phone call would help him escape.

“What’s going on?!” she exclaimed. 

“No time to explain! I need you to do something for me!” he screamed.

“Then get on with it! What is it?!” 

“This is going to sound silly, but I need you to knock on the sheds right wall and then kick it.”

“Uh... excuse me?”

“Just do it!”

Rei did as she was told, her knocks echoing slightly in the small room. 

A scream came from the other end of the phone.

“Edward!?” Rei shrieked. “I’m almost at the shed, alright? Now, look behind you!” Edward hung up.

Rei turned around. At the door of the shed was a square-shaped portal.

Rei had no idea what to do, and her hands were shaking. All kinds of thoughts ran through her head.

Meanwhile, Edward was panting and feeling dazed. He knew the shed was just up ahead. His black hair kept falling into his eyes and he kept brushing it away. The absolute horror was right behind him and it was running fast.

Edward could now see the shed in the distance. He ran faster, and his heart raced. He lunged for the shed and fell into the portal from the other side.

“Rei!” he screamed as he fell in. 

Rei heard the cry and jumped in right after him. 

[So, I made this story a while ago. This first chapter? Probably at least half a year ago. I gave it small edits. The story is kind of romantic based though which wasn’t intentional but HERE WE ARE. But in my opinion the book has the best plot twist, so you guys will just have to see. I’m also doing the second chapter so I hope you like it so far]

Chapter 2

Azeko’s droopy eyes opened to the suns blinding rays. His purple skin attracted the sun, and he awoke feeling dehydrated. 

Azeko opened the door in his treetop room and walked out into the kitchen. His mother was cooking breakfast, and a bacon smell drifted on the air. He opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of water, and guzzled it down- the whole thing. 

His mom looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. “Your wasting water.”

“Well, good morning to you, too.” Azeko grunted. What kind of lady wouldn’t let him drink WATER?

She looked insulted, “Kiddo, fix your tone. Now, I’ve fixed breakfast, so si-“

She was interrupted by a loud snap and a square portal opened in front of their kitchen table. Azeko’s blonde hair scattered across his face, and his jaw dropped. His mothers purple skin became light and pale.

Two beings emerged from the portal: first a boy with scratches caked on his face, hands, and knees, and then a raggedy girl with blue wispy hair.

Azeko’s mother fainted. 

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