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in Fiction by (117k points)

Sorry for the delay. Part 2 will be out soon!

Dear Diary                                       Monday September 7th

Ok so *deep breath* My  first day of school  was SO BAD. I’ll  start from the beginning. So it all started when. I woke up at 7:20. Like it is so unlike me to wake up that late and today of all days!  BIG UGH.I literally woke up and saw my bus passing by out the window. LIKE SERIOUSLY COULDNT HE HAVE WAITED 10 MORE MINUTES!!! So since my school starts at 8:00   And it takes 20 minutes to drive there I though hmm it’s not a huge disastaer I’ll just eat a quick breakfast get dressed and get in the car. So I then got dressed into my cute tie dye shirt(I tie  dyed  it myself) and  chic jean skirt, and run downstairs. By the time I finish begging my mom to drive me and apologizing to her for waking up late and FINALLY sit down and eat my breakfast it is 7:30. I start to wolf down my cereal when bitter one * holds back anger* Spilled her water   all over me!!!!! After that I yell at her for doing it and then my mom yells at me for yelling at her here is how the conversation went.  Also it’s important to note that I think she spilled  it on purpose. I'm gonna type  it like a play.

Bitter one: * spills water*


Also before Amara is able to produce one tear on command  not fall on crying just one tear. Which makes it seem even sadder. Me and James know this but our parents don’t believe it because she is only 6 and doing that’s really hard.

Bitter one:* cry’s one tear on purpose* I’m sorry I didn’t mean too. I never do anything right * continues faking being sad*

Mom: SARAH ELSIE BREWER! Apologize to your sister right now!! She didn’t mean to do it!

Me: * Not wanting to start a fight* I’m sorry bitte- Amara.  I know you did it by accident.

Amara: I forgive you sis. * with an expression saying I got away with it and I can get away with anything*

Me: Well if you can excuse me I have to change now.

I walked up the stairs a little louder than normal. Even though I have much more serious things to be mad/ worried about ( you’ll see later) I’m still mad at bitter one. She spilled water on me ON PURPOSE and my mom sided with her pfft TYPICAL.Anyways, I then looked through my clothes to find something ok to wear. After like 5 minutes I finally decided on a pink and blue tie dye tank top and a matching skort. But surprise surprise it was already 7:40! Also( sorry I keep pausing so much) For my birthday I’m asking for an alarm  clock. I ran down the stairs at the speed of light ( seriously I was running down the stairs) and at the landing I jumped 4 stairs to get to the bottom and ran to my mom. By the time I’m actually able to get my backpack and my mom in the car it’s already almost 7:50!!!!


“ I'M GOING AT MAX SPEED LIMIT” She yelled back  

“ ok” I was basically losing hope at that point. Also my stomach was gurgling profusely from not eating breakfast.

“ This is a one time thing. You are not to miss your buss gain”

“ I don’t plan on it.” 

You must be thinking, OH MY GOD SARAH STOP WITH THE STALLING. You also must be thinking. DID YOU MAKE IT TO SCHOOL OR NOT. We’ll be patient because I’m getting to that. My mom then started going above the speed limit ( I think it was an accident) But I didn’t say anything. A few minutes later we arrived at school. Promptly at 8:00: Ok so if you think my day couldn’t get any worse just wait. It only goes downhill from here. 

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