+11 votes
in Nordic Club by (775k points)

Nordic club q and a by Carly (president)

Q : Do I have to be Nordic/Scandinavian/Scandinavian-American to join

A : No, you do not have to be born Nordic or have Nordic ancestry to join. The club is for anyone to learn about the Nordic countries, their culture and their history , in fact. the president is Not Nordic (she does however, have a Swedish-American cousin).

However, if you are Nordic/Scandinavian or Nordic/Scandinavian-American, Nordicism (the belief that Nordic people are superior racially) IS NOT ALLOWED AT ALL COSTS.

Q : What can we talk about

A: Talk about ANYTHING acossiated with Nordic countries (as long as it isnt offensive) if you want to, however talk about Nordic pop culture (Movies, TV, Games, Youtubers etc) keep it to the minimun, because the club focuses on Nordic culture

Q : what are the Nordic countries

A: the Nordic countries are Norway, Sweden, Denmark, FInland, Iceland, Greenland, Sapmi, Faroe Islands and  Aland Islands.

Q : what is the purpose of the club

A: the reason why I started this club is because I want to promote Nordic culture. recently, a lot of Nordic heritage centers both in the Nordic countries and in the USA are shutting down (one shut down in Chicago last week) so I want to keep this culture alive heart

- Carly (She/her)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (543k points)
Best answer
I agree this will be helpful.
by (775k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
Faroe Islands and Aland Islands are countries?
by (775k points)
they should be
+1 vote
by (775k points)
boosting this


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