+10 votes
in Health & Fitness by (116k points)
Hey everybody I am a 16 year old male and i have been working my abs for 5 months now.

I would like to know what i should do on rest days.

I work only my abs (starting arms and others soon) 6 days a week. sunday is rest day, and I want to know if i should be intaking as much protein as i do on a workout day on a rest day.

Here is my daily workout: (I do interval bodyweight training) Each move is work 50 secs, and rest 11. Please tell me how efficient this workout is and compare it to this one (). Tell me which workout is better.


1. Reverse Crunches (Some weird alernative I somehow came up with)

2. Bicycle Crunches

3. Side Crunches (Cross Crunches) Left

4. Side Crunches (Cross Crunches) Right

5. Russian Twists

6. Reverse Crunches (Normal - on my back on the floor)

7. Leg Raises  (I slowly lower them for 10 secs then rest 5 secs then repeat until over)

8.Hold Crunches (Hold for 7 secs, rest for 3 then repeat until over)

9. This Thing Thats Kind Of Like A Slower Version Of Bicycle Crunches

10. Bicycle Crunches (Again)

11. Russian Twists (Again)

12. Leg Raises (Again)

13. 1 Min Plank

Thats all.

Please Help!

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (126k points)
Best answer
Dude I finally have another guy my age that enjoys working out!

But don't you think you ought to, you know, focus on other parts? I, for instance, focus on chest, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, upper back, and abs (but obviously I do leg work too--I once did 50,000 calf raises in four weeks).

For ab work, your schedule looks a little intense. All I do are crunches (I did 500 in a day once and severely regretted it later when I was sure I'd ruptured my appendix) and planks. I used to sit-ups but given their danger I quit those. Anyway, I seem to be getting on just fine with that. I mean, I don't have Kevin Hart abs but crunches tone me pretty good.

For rest days, I recommend just doing some cardio work or something. Go for a run, use a stationary bike, something like that. But maybe drop your other work. 6 days/week of intense ab work seems a bit overkill. I alternate what I do.

A note on leg raises: If you're doing all this stuff I'm sure you know what you're doing but be careful. Double-leg raises bear the risk to accidental injury. Doesn't seem like it but they can.

Also I had no idea there were multiple parts to your core. Shows you how much I care about the details. I just work whatever I want and don't care about the technical stuff until I injure myself.

As for the other workout, I'm not sure. I think your plan might be more effective but the woodchoppers are pretty good too. Then again, that also utilizes equipment. Crunches I think mostly do surface toning while things like both of these workouts, pilates, etc, work deeper under the surface. So I don't know, maybe stick to your workout you already have (maybe throw in some weight work like they had). Or just ride a horse. That'll work your core too.

So for your protein, I happen to know a thing or two about that. A lot of bodybuilders eat/drink INSANE quantities of protein thinking they can't get too much but that's not true. In reality too much protein causes a lot of stress to your kidneys because they have to filter all that out. Eventually (I'm not talking in like 40 years, either, mate) they start having problems and then the builders realize they were being stupid for that. I mean honestly just eat plenty of things like peanut butter, eggs, etc. Don't go crazy with protein drinks; one a day ought to be plenty if you're diet is good.

Wow that's a long answer. I guess I'm just glad I finally have someone I can discuss this kind of thing with.

Lookin' forward to a fair chat with ya mate...
by (116k points)
Hey DukeSilver, thanks for the answer, I did not expect such a long response! I'm glad we found each other because I have no one to talk about working out.
My parents know barely anything about working out, and Im not allowed to use any other form of communication besides kidztalk.
Yep. Thats right a 16 year old that has been restricted to KT his whole life. I would like to talk to you again soon. Is there a chat room on the kidzsearch website?
If not i'll just make a question and we can chat in that i guess.
And to answer your question about why I dont work other stuff, well, I've been doing my abs for 5 months now. And that was the first time I actually started to do ecxercises for muscle growth rather than health and endurance. And  I just kinda forgot about the other muscles probably because I was so happy with my ab results lol.
I also have some more questions for you, but lets save those for when we get a chat set up for us.
by (950k points)
There’s no chat room on KidzSearch. The closest thing to a chat room on here is real-time on KidzTalk (here). You never know when it’s gonna happen but they usually last an hour.
by (116k points)
How do I do realtime kidztalk?
by (126k points)
You just gotta come on at the right time. Like, right now I'm writing this 50 minutes after you made that comment. In RT, you're looking at 2 minutes to a few seconds. Basically it's just the magical time when multiple users are on and KS is approving everything almost as soon as it comes in. So instead of potentially hours, you only have to wait maybe like a minute or less. But there's no good way to plan it. It just sort of happens and you'll be one of the lucky few to get in on it.
0 votes
by (480 points)
Hi im a softball player and gym rat and this workout is awesome love that
by (116k points)

This workout has been developing for like 4 months before it got to this state.

I keep switching out bad exercises for better ones.
+1 vote
Hey! So I am a girl and I work out too! ofc I don't know how it is too be a boy and trying to be really attractive and working out and stuff and I'm sure thats not why your working out hopefully you are to live a safe, healthy, normal life and to stay fit but I like your routine I'm gonna share what I do for workouts so hopefully you will think maybe you'll try them cuz they aren't just for girls! And this is going to be in the exact order I do it in. Also when I'm done I'll say what I do after

1. Backpedaling (for 1 minute)

2. Crunches (2mins)

3. Squats (25 squats)

4. Jumping jacks (20)

5. Push ups (45)

6. Mountain climbers (20)

7. Planks (30 seconds)

6. Benching 225 (4-5 minutes)

7.Deadlift (3 minutes)

8.Boxing (10 minutes)

9. Jog (30mins-1 hour and run 3 miles)

Then, I go home drink my protein shake (I always drink it after because I don't wanna get sick if i drink it before I work out) Then I shower and then then next morning I wake up eat a healthy breakfast (Mostly like avacado on toast, eggs and some sausage) then in like 2 hours cuz I wake up at like 10-11am which will be like 12 or 1pm  in 2 hours I will start my workout!

(Sorry if you don't really understand that part!)
by (116k points)
Hey! Thanks for sharing your workout!

So I don't know how old you are, and I don't know what kind of goals you have, but the workout look good. And wow, you eat very healthy it seems. Maybe healthier than me!

So you do your workout at around 3 P.M.? I do mine at around 8 P.M.

It takes around 25 minutes, then I have my protein shake and some kind of carbs and calories (usually a cereal bar and fruit). Just wondering, what flavor protein powder do you have? I Have chocolate.

But wait. How do you wake up at like 11 A.M.?

Oh wait... I  just realized that you don't even have an account on KT.

So you won't know when I reply... so you probably won't reply...

But in case you do read this - Thank you for the reply. I will see which exercises I can use from your workout.
Yes I am replying to you right now and yes I have chocolate flavored protein powder aswell. I am way younger than you I am 13 but yes I still do workouts and drink protein.
by (116k points)
Cool! Don't forget it IS 12-16.
what do you mean? Sorry if this is a easy question I am just naive somethimes lol
by (116k points)
Oh wait I forget to put that in my post...

I say that I am 14-16. Not 12-16 IDK why I said that.
0 votes
by (541k points)
I don't  work out but I think your routine is a little much

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