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in Homework Help by
My teacher wants us to write a paper on this, but I can’t get enough information please send help by Thursday, September 14. Thank you!!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (137k points)
Bees help flowers and crops grow because they take the nectar and spread it to other crops to reproduce, if pollinators like Bees didn't exist, crops would die out more quickly in famines and diseases. The sexual reproduction that pollinators provide give plants diverse offspring that are generally more resilient to hardship.
0 votes
Bees play an extremely important part in pollination, so they in turn play an extremely important part in agriculture, too. Bees pollinate 30% of the worlds crops if im not mistaken. Bees pollinate crops, we harvest the crops (agriculture), and humans consume the crops. This is not about bees, but about pollination, right? Pollination affects agriculture by helping reproduce plants so we can harvest them, which we call agriculture.

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