+12 votes
in Other by (775k points)
I dont know any good songs in Norwegian, Swedish or any Scandinavian to sing at the school's talent show

nobody gave me reccomendations.

should I just not do it, I really want to do it I just need a really good Nordic song.

its either that or I have to just sing a Taylor Swift. I hate Taylor Swift and basically every popular artist (no offence btw)

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (952k points)
Best answer
What do you mean by good? If it’s stuff that others like, it doesn’t matter. It’s what YOU like.

And also, I dunno how to translate audio files.
+2 votes
by (543k points)
Don't quit.

I don't like pretty much every popular artist either. ( Especially Weezer) I like Minecraft music!

So, don't quit.
+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
I think you know better about Nordic songs than any of us here. Just go with something that sounds okay, and stick with it. Be confident, because you are your harshest critic. I bet everyone will think you're really talented, and this is a great opprotunity to show that off. Try to look forward to it instead of dreading it, but I know that's hard to do.
+2 votes
by (117k points)
No I shouldn’t quit
+2 votes
by (525k points)
I think it's safe to say that most of us have no clue about Nordic songs. At least I don't.

I'm sorry that I couldn't give you any recommendations, but I'm not really into that type of music. Just pick one you like and sing it.

+1 vote
by (10.5k points)
If that were me i would sing the soundtrack of brave :|
by (1.34m points)
Who flagged this lol
by (775k points)
Brave is Celtic
by (10.5k points)
the difference ???????
by (775k points)

heres the diference

CELTIC - refers the history of Ireland, UK and regions of France and Germany

NORDIC - refers to the history and culture of the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and their territories)

by (10.5k points)
i cant read that im 6 ,,,,
by (1.34m points)
When I was 6, I could barely write my name. You'd be the most advanced 6 year old ever if this isn't a joke.
by (10.5k points)

yes i am  advanced i geniusshades_smile

by (952k points)
When I was 6, I read at a 3rd grade level and by the end of 1st grade, I was reading 4th grade level books.

Also, I could write my name, and yeah. I was pretty advanced for a 6 year old.
by (10.5k points)
ngl that was me too i had to walk to middle school nearby
by (775k points)
probably Inga.
by (10.5k points)

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